Whether you are the boss . who does not get the results you wanted or if you are the simple employee ,who is angry with the workload your boss has delegated; it is true that no one can’t avoid having enemies . We can’t avoid being angry , and most of the time, we hold back ourselves to avoid confrontation or avoid making a scene at work. Many are guilty of this and doing themselves a disfavor as there are recent studies that show that anger can be very good for one’s health?
Researchers from the University of Valencia , Spain have validated that working concept. It all started when they became interested in what happens in the human body when people are angry or hold back great amount of emotions. From their study, it has been found out that when people express their anger, the blood flows smoothly to different parts of the brain and so a happy feeling is experienced.
Such findings only show that they support one of the general theory in psychology that says , if there is proper ventilation of emotions, then there will be better mental health for the individual than to just let that emotions be buried or locked in. Well, according to the 30 people who have undergo different test procedures, it has been found out that those who are angry have a stimulated left side brain.
Wondering about the relation of being happy? According to Dr. Herreo Neus, the leader of the study in the University of Valencia, the region of the left frontal part of the brain generally involves positive emotion, while the right side of the brain is connected with negative emotions.
He also said that, “there are major changes in the human than anger can drive and some of them are controlling the hormones as well as the works of the heart”. Another precaution should also be noted. Too much anger produces side effects ; wherein, people who are too angry have been found out to have increased blood pressure which no one wants. For that reason, whenever someone feels that they are being abused or whenever they are angry, they should take deep breaths and let the cool off for awhile. They can also use other ways to release the anger in their heart . For example, they can work more efficiently.
If that technique is not enough , they can go to the comfort room to release the pain they feel or they can go to the rooftop of their building where, they can release that built up anger. It is good to shout as much as you want to release anger. Remember that good emotional ventilation is the key to have a happy life.
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