www.megavista-health.com Bipolar disorder is also commonly referred to as manic depression. This term comes from the cycling that occurs with this mental disorder, from extremely depressed to a very euphoric, or manic state. Bipolar disorder is estimated to affect approximately 3% of adults. Bipolar disorder can be difficult to diagnose, and its difficult to distinguish from classical depression. The key difference is that those individuals with bipolar disorder will also experience manic episodes, which are phases of elevated mood or euphoria. These manic phases can include hallucinations, delusions of grandeur, racing thoughts, increased energy and a decreased need for sleep. In some cases, a manic episode can involve irritation, anxiety, or aggravation rather than the overwhelming happy feelings typically associated with mania. Signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder include distinct altering phases of depression and mania. During a major depressive episode, typical depression symptoms are present, including feelings of sadness, loss of energy, lack of interest in otherwise enjoyable activities, loneliness and apathy. Interestingly, the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder may not be enough to diagnose this disorder, due to the occasional presence of hypomania or a mixed affective episode. Hypomania is a mild manic episode and a mixed affective episode is a simultaneous occurrence of mania and depression. Both of these instances can make diagnosis increasingly …
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i see a counselour/psychologist. based on everythin ive been tellin her since ive been seein her..she said its a high chance i may have bipolar =[. so she reffered me to get more help and now i have to see another doctor to get evaulated.
ive experienced most of the symptoms of bipolar so prolly more than likely i have it =[
i hope its something else tho other than bipolar disorder
Yeah, i think i have it. I basicaly tick nine out of the ten boxes of those symptoms. To the doctors then i guess.
great video, think that alot more people out there should watch it and see what they check off! kinda surprised me.
***** Great video and informative
Nice Informative and good video
nice video
I have so many questions please anyone help me my girlfriend blieves strongly she has bipolar disorder and I myself would not be surprised (I think I recall her saying she was diagnosed once but her parents did not believe in that sort of thing) and it’s not as much drastic mood swings (although she does have self esteem issues and sometimes depression) as it is the fact that we have gone out twice now she says she really likes me and that we really like eachother and we dated for four months a