What it is necessary to wipe the skin with?
* it is possible with spirituous lotions… If a skin is sensitive it is possible to moisten it with water cotton wool at first and already then with a lotion. If the skin badly responds on alcohol, wipe its with tonics which don’t contain it;
* a good agent is with spirituous and Calendula. It is the natural product which contains vitamins and not strongly degreases skin. After 10 03 15 minutes wiping it is possible to rinse face with water and that is it.
* concerning camphoric alcohol: it often recommend for wiping the face. From myself I will add: camphoric alcohol dissolves nail polish a little… So do your conclusions yourself.
* it is possible to wipe the face with lotion containing hydrogen peroxide, it is better to prepare a solution not yourself but to buy in a drugstore. At processing of face by it, peroxide oxygen which clears a skin and dissolves the stoppers hammering in ducts of sebaceous glands. But it is necessary to remember that peroxide decolorizes hair. If you the brunette also don’t want to change a hair color, clean them from the face during carrying out of this procedure;
* it is possible to try to impose on spot area Hydroperitum (a grain received at crushing of a tablet), before it is necessary to rinse a skin with water that it was wet. It has cauterizing and drying an effect. Only it should be crushed to very small parts that it has not turned out the big combustion on a skin;
* instead of Hydroperitum it is possible to use iodine. You can take a match, point its end, dip in iodine and cauterize a spot. On the face there is a small brown point which disappears in 2-3 hours (its soaked up iodine) if the crust was formed that brown color remains… But it also doesn’t spoil appearance. If there are a lot of spots, it is better not to resort to this reception… Iodine is soaked up… And who knows how it then will respond… If you disturb one – two spots system action of iodine can be neglected.
How it is possible to dry up a skin?
Good drying action possesses ultra-violet beams, so it means you have to stay on the sun more. If in the street is the cold season, the sky dim clouds…. It is possible to stay under a bulb in beauty salon. And in general, stay longer in the open air. Descend in wood…
What other agents can be used at the pimply skin?
Very good agents against black spots are those which contain sulfur (it is useful to a skin) and aloe juice (it possesses healing and antimicrobial action).
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