National Institute of Drug Addiction. Drug Abuse: Meeting the Challenge. NTIS A17166VNB1, 1987. Causes, treatment and prevention of drug abuse are explored. Interviews with NIDA personnel and research scientists about ways the government is researching and combating drug abuse. Tape is somewhat clinical in nature. Producer: National Institutes of Health. Keywords: FedFlix; Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment. More than three decades of scientific research have yielded 13 fundamental principles that characterize effective drug abuse treatment. These principles are detailed in NIDA’s Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide. 1. No single treatment is appropriate for all individuals. Matching treatment settings, interventions, and services to each patient’s problems and needs is critical. 2. Treatment needs to be readily available. Treatment applicants can be lost if treatment is not immediately available or readily accessible. 3. Effective treatment attends to multiple needs of the individual, not just his or her drug use. Treatment must address the individual’s drug use and associated medical, psychological, social, vocational, and legal problems. 4. At different times during treatment, a patient may develop a need for medical services, family therapy, vocational rehabilitation, and social and legal services. 5. Remaining in treatment for an adequate period of time is critical for treatment effectiveness. The time depends on an …
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NikoKun says
Not saying we shouldn’t send people with serious drug problems, to treatment… But some of the methods described here, remind me of the brainwashing and molding techniques that a cult uses on it’s members.
But a bigger problem, is probably that so many people are forced into rehab treatment, when they didn’t need it; Simply because the Judge didn’t know any better, or had a moralist ego above the accused.
rosaryfilms says
NikoKun, did you watch the entire video? There is no obligation to watch the entire video. I just think it would help with your comments if you watched the entire video.
NikoKun says
I will.
My comment was based on the description, and a quick overview of the video.
camelhopper says
So if it’s a public health issue, why do they send people to jail instead of a hospital>
camelhopper says
And if it is a health issue, why is the director of the national institute on drug abuse not a medical doctor.
ChoofMonster says
My first impression, too. Schuster has a Ph.D in psychology, which in this case is OK – NIDA is a purely political instrument.
In the 1980s, the primary treatment for ‘drug abuse’ was the revolving-door one-size-fits-all 12-step program; at least this video shows attempts to change this monopoly with individual treatment and properly evaluated medicines.
ChoofMonster says
From the side panel:
“Nicotine patches or gum… can help persons addicted to nicotine.”
This was a marketing ploy to sell snake-oil to desperate addicts. Nicotine replacement has never been proven to work. Zyban (Wellbutrin) worked for me, but I could only get it for 90 days (it is approved for smoking cessation in Australia, not as an antidepressant).
Obiwannatokie says
You don’t think nicotine replacement works? Do you understand how nicotine physically addicts a person?
ChoofMonster says
The theory is good, but the nicotine in cigarettes is a different molecule to that in the gum and patches: smoking changes the molecule to ‘freebase’ due to the addition of ammonia to tobacco, so the craving persists. People chew, absorb and still smoke – there’s the psychological factor, too.
Our cigarette packets now contain no tar or nicotine content, only pictures of diseased lungs, gangrenous feet and scary statistics using the excuse “EVERY cigarette is doing you damage”.
Bud90 says
Just say no! lol..
murbones says
I use nicotine replacement every time I quit smoking and it works every time!
DarthMink says
people do drugs because they like them and like the way they make them feel. there, i solved the big mystery.
Endevor2Recover says
I came across a comment you made 6 months ago on drug addiction. The opinion you subscribe to is not only narrow minded but it is fundamentally what is wrong with any sucsessful attempt at finding the answers needed to treat properly the disease of addiction
DarthMink says
You don’t think that people do drugs because of how good they make them feel? That’s fucking ignorant.
ontherunfrommyself says
rosaryfilms says
BlindLed, thank you very much for your comments!
mandygcruz says
hi rosaryfilm.. its been a long time… i truely glad for you video.. i hoping to see more of your helpful video.. i always watching your video to share it with my patient here in the philippines. your a blessing to us.
rosaryfilms says
mandygcruz, hello — good to hear from you! Thank you very much for your comments! Congratulations on your good works with your patients! Regards…
OpenComments says
What kind of religious organization kills pets?
Former CoS agent Steve Fishman confirms that CoS attorney Ken Moxon ordered OSA agents Lenny Leibowitz and Clarice Guidice to drown a dog. Through a coordinated effort, Lenny and Clarice managed to arrive at Judge Ronald Swearinger’s (Scientology vs Wollersheim) house. Lenny threw the Collie “Duke” into the pool and “sat on the dog” until the dog drowned.
Just one of many examples of Scientology killings pets to intimidate.
turboeddy says
@DarthMink people do drugs to hide behind the things they dont want face in life .drugs are a armour to hide behind a defence mechanism
DarthMink says
I’m sure people use drugs for different reasons but I know a lot of people do them just because they like to get high. You can’t just generalize a single reason why every drug user in the entire world does what they do but I think the majority of people who do drugs do so basically because either they like the way they feel when they’re high, or because they liked the way drugs made them feel at one time but now only continue to use because they’re addicted.
turboeddy says
i speak from 20 years of experiance my friend .
DarthMink says
The fact that you speak from 20 years of experience only means you can say why you think you use/used drugs, that doesn’t mean you can speak for me and every other person on the planet.
SarahRichterKMK says
This is a great video. I am a highschool freshman in an honors English class. Right now we are working on career research and planning. The career I am researching is being a substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselor. this video includes alot of useful information. Thanks.
rosaryfilms says
@SarahRichterKMK – thank you very much for your comments! Regards…