This clip from Day For Night: Recognizing Teenage Depression features a teen talking about her recovery from depression. DFN:RTD is an in-depth look at the signs, symptoms, and treatment of teenage depression. The film features the true stories of teenagers and their struggles with clinical depression and bipolar disorder as well as interviews with their friends and families and mental health professionals. (more) (less) Tags: depression heredity teen Views: 0 Comments: 0 Playlists: 0 Added: June 25, 2007, 02:05 PM Broadcast: Public Video | Uploaded (processing, please wait) Raw File: heredity[1].mov
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Naruto5tails says
1st comment! YAY XD! That was good, 3/5.
SFJane says
the problem with so called teen depression is that it is natural. Pick up any book on puberty for girls and boys and it flat out states that mood swings, depression, listlessness and hyperactivity as part of normal hormone fluctuations. Depression is a normal part of being a human being and owning a body. What is not natural is to take mood altering drugs to medicate yourself out of puberty on the misbased assumption that depression is bad and you need to be inoculated against it.
QueenAzooga says
Sure, it tells you the results of recovery. But it doesn’t tell you how.
NTuber15 says
meh yeah depression is a part of life. but only in small incrememnts. if youre depressed more than you’re happy you’re not normal. i agree drugs aren’t the awnser and they won’t really help and a new perspective will, but minimalizing depression as a whole is just sweeping it under the rug, and making people with depression look at people in an even worse light if thats how people truly feel
weirdkiddo142 says
How to not be depressed?
All you need is time ….for all the negativity to slowly go away…i didn’t use pills…i thought they were stupid and i wanted to punch my therapist for giving me them…and for sending me to a hospital which didn’t even help but made it worse…when i got out … i just focused on the things that would make me happy…like liking someone …even though sometimes that doesn’t work..but just wait… because recovery is aroudn the me ..