The video is about the Depression in Geriatric age. According to the National Institutes of Health, of the 35 million Americans age 65 or older, about 2 million suffer from full-blown depression. It affects nearly 1in 10 adults each year. The incidence is twice as many in woman as men. Depression is common in older people and it is fully treatable disease (American Psychiatric Association 2005). Only 10% receive treatment for depression. This is likely because the symptoms of depression in the elderly are often confused with the effects of multiple illnesses and the medicines used to treat them. Our target audience is the younger generation who can help the aged to cope up with their depression. This aims towards creating awareness among the youth for helping the aged to reduce their loneliness and depression. We recommend that more younger people should voluntaries to talk with the depressed elderly and make them feel better. We should provide them emotional support by talking to them, taking them out for dinner or a walk, encouraging the elderly to take the treatment. Thank you Terry for his kind support
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rohanneelgund says
nice video… senti but true!!!
tanzil90 says
grt music. grt video! u already have a 100 hits n u were wondering who would watch the video 🙂 – SAUSAN
ashutoshh9 says
Verrry good video Shiv….such a sensitive topic like geriatric depression could not be depicted in a more beautiful way than this in a minute…keep it up…god bless!!
AprApple says
I am really touched by your video!
rythmdivine7 says
hello cute soul, the video is really cute.
and even cuter music.
hope u score the highest.
cheers! 🙂
rythmdivine7 says
hey.. when are u goin to do something like this?
as in anything cute 😉 😛
udayshri says
hey you have made excellent video.. you have shown fact and we should help these people.. nice work dude…
leah1234555 says
love it.
drnaman says
abe yeh tune banaya hai …kya baat hai…
Choleocystitis says
I really liked your video. I am studying geriatrics & depression. Can you please tell me what the nice melody that accompinies the video is called. Thanks