Three women discuss their experience with family members who’ve struggled with depression
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Three women discuss their experience with family members who’ve struggled with depression
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life sucks……yep
I suffer with depression >> I hate it!!
me too. I’m 48 got parkinson diease also, I hate it when I cannot do most anything that I used to just 2 years ago.
I have my family farm which now going to have to sell because I cannot do any of the psyical work that I have to most of the day I have a catfish pond I just set down in a chair down there and cry
I feel badly that you have to go through this. Have you consulted your doctor or medical professional about possible treatments? Don’t give up!
I recommend that you talk to your physcian bout your condition. There might be help available.
yep it really does when you are poor.
rich people get it too. (just saying) atleast poor people got nothing to lose whereas rich people have to worry constantly about there money decisions.
i dont know if im depressed or not.. but i wake up sad sometimes… cry for no reason… sometimes i just dont care…. i want to talk to friends about it but i dont want to seem whinny and annoying so i keep it to myself.. i stay in my room its like my safe haven.. i talk to my mom about little things but i dont tell her everything because i dont want to worry her…. my music and love of film keeps me happy …..
Definitely depression is like a dark spiral. I began to hate myself and have panic attacks to the point where I wanted someone to shoot me. I didn’t know what I wanted and felt no one loved me. My grades fell and I lost my fitness as an athlete. Then when my girlfriend left me, it was like being left at the bottom of a well to starve to death in the cold and darkness. I would go home from school, and fall asleep, wake up and lie on the floor crying.
Now I’m on Lexapro
Sorry you had to go through this. Hopefully you are doing better now.
i made an appointment for my doctor tomorrow. im tired of being sad and crying at the drop of a hat. it started when my husband was being accused of something completely untrue then my cousin who was like a mother to me passed away from breast cancer on the 12th of january. my husband and i are still dealing with the issue and when i sleep sometimes all i think about is suicide
@kimers7685 So sorry to hear that. I’m glad you’re seeing your doctor.
Who are these women to classify depression?
Depression is a dressed up word for sadness. So why don’t we just say that we’re sad? I’m sad, you’re sad, everybody’s sad. Then something good happens and we’re not sad anymore. And then we’re sad again.
These are called emotions, and despite what doctors say, it’s okay to have them.
I don’t buy into this ‘disorder’ mumbo jumbo that suggests if you’re feeling something you must be sick and you need pills to help take the feelings away.
i feel very sad lately ,i had a history of depression three years ago and i was treated with anafranil,it did good to me ,but now all i have in my brain is dark thoughts like why we live life sucks and has no reasons cause someday we will all die ,everything normal before now seems not normal and strange ,future seems to scary me i dont know if it is a deprresion or smth normal that hapenns to everybody? doctor visited me and found that myTSH hormone is lower than it should be
@kimers7685 Hang in there!!!!!!!!! There is light at the end of the tunnel! TRUST ME!
Great information!
@PsychotherapyAssoc Thank you very much! I’ve subscribed to your channel.