Celexa is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and its side effects include headaches, digestive issues and trouble sleeping. Learn about the nauseousness and digestive issues that may be caused by Celexa with help from a psychotherapist and licensed mental health counselor in this free video on depression. Expert: David Thomas Contact: www.WTGTampa.com Bio: Dr. David Thomas has been certified as a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Florida since 1986 and the National Board of Certified Counselors since 1987. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
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googleFalseFlag says
At 00:30 what load of shit and you damn well know it.
uoykcufxxxkj says
side effects usually come in three areas…are you forgetting about the sexual side effects?
ShroomSamich says
ya u guys ever gonna consider cannabis and its healing extracts so we can get back our friends save them from themselves
jungleboards says
forgot to say that it is PRESUMED to inhibit the re-uptake of serotonin and has not been proven to do so.
crazymariamlr says
how about weight gain
cherryrose871 says
Yes, unfortunately you can get weight gain. Lots of people experience this side effect…This is coming from a nursing student, FYI
pezcore68 says
has any anti-depressant been proven to actually work? last i heard it was all just a guess. the brain is a complicated thing we are only beginning to understand.
mikesterSTLMO says
I’ve been on 20 mg’s for 3 months and there are PLENTY of side effects; so many infact that I’m weaning myself. 1)Belching and incessant gas 2) Fatigue and listlessness 3) loss of appetite 4) minor hallucinations (seeing things run across the floor that aren’t there) 5) Total and complete loss in libido – that is, ZERO sex drive … nada … zilch … NONE
(and I’m only 33 and a major former slut).6) I’m STILL depressed and STILL angry what feels like all the time.
limesorbert says
I have been tittering between feeling like a crack head and a zombie for the past 3 days. One minute I feel like jumping out of my skin (restless, jittery, antsy, and can only sleep for an hour) then next I feel like “nothing” (no appetite, tired, foggy, blank). Don’t really like this med, may try something different. Oh yeah…the stomach problems are fantastic too…sigh!
naty86able says
Welbutrin works great for me. The only side effect I expereice is I tend to urinate more and a little loss of appetite. I did get a tiny bearable headache the first day but the seond day they went away. I don’t feel sleepy or increase in hunger like other antidepressants.
jajomal says
jungleboards and pezcore68
Yes they do work. I felt better after 3 weeks after taking them and I’d had a nervous breakdown. They stop reuptake of serotonin at the synaptic gap thereby creating more serotonin for the brain feel good factor. However they DON’T make you better. They make you feel better so your body hormones respond positively, and when you hopefully come off the drug your good feel factors will continue. Being depressed causes lots of chemical changes in the body.
jajomal says
For everyone’s info.
Side affects on 150mg and over.
More frequent migraines.
Loss of libido
Sleep disorders – bizarre dreams.
Withdrawal from the drug
Less migraines (75mg ok)
Libido restored
No relief from sleep disorders – bizarre dreams
Head Zaps (odd sensations in head)
It has taken a great deal of willpower and my own withdrawal regime to get down to 10mg which I am on now. I have XR capsules and remove some of the contents
sirano84 says
umm doctor !! you forgot to mention in your video LOSS OF LIBIDO .. all the others can be managed ..
narreshramdayal says
after 3 yrs on Celexa my sexual drive is 80% worst… I am NOT sexually interested… WHY???? I get erections and so on… but I can’t seem to get turn on. When i was on Celexa, I love having sex cuz, it would last for more than an hour without an orgasm and a non stop REAL ROCK HARD erection, now I am not using it anymore, it seems as though my sex life is a practical nightmare, it went into reverse gear… anyone has any clue on this????
george05032010 says
Daemien21 says
mikesterSTLMO says
6 months ago I started with 10 mgs and it did nothing. I increased to 20 mg; still nothing. I am now on 40mgs and all I do is belch and fart. I have completely lost my sex drive and I am now edgy, often angry, and am paranoid as hell. Thank you CELEXA.
aaronamccoy says
it takes longer to cum but when you did, it is the best orgasm, celexa is great