So let us define in these series of articles of what is the mycosis, its cause and how it can be treated?
Fungoid infections of a skin, hair and fingernails are carried to group of superficial mycoses. At the same time skin lesions can be observed both at hypodermic and at deep mycoses that occurs much less often. About half from 400 with superfluous originators of mycoses cause skin infections.
According to the largest epidemiological research which spent in 1997-1998 and has captured 11 European countries, mycoses of a smooth skin make about 2 %, and mycoses of feet and onychomycoses (mycoses of fingernails) — 22 % of the reasons of the reference to the doctor. About third of patients come to of doctors-dermatologists concerning mycoses of feet, and almost half ofpeople addresses concerning onychomycoses.
Modern classifications allocate various superficial mycoses depending on localization of a lesion or kind (group) of the originator.
Mycoses of feet
Mycoses of feet (Tinea pedis) are extended everywhere and are more often than any other mycoses of a skin. Under the different data to 1/5 of all population suffers with this disease. The main originator of a mycosis of feet is T. rubrum, the mycosis of feet is much more rare cause T. mentagrophytes var.interdigitale and even more rare other dermatophytes. The mycoses of feet caused by T. rubrum and T. Mentagrophytes, have features of epidemiology and a clinical picture. At the same time variants of a mycosis of feet, typical for one originator but caused by another are possible.
Infection with a mycosis of the feet caused by T. rubrum (the tinea of feet), occurs in a family, at immediate contact to the patient, and also through footwear, clothes or the general subjects of use more often. The infection differs in a chronic current, a lesion of both feet, frequent diffusion on a smooth skin and nail plates. At a long current involving of a skin of palms, as a rule, the right (working) brush a syndrome that calls “two feet and one brush” (Tinea pedum et manuum) is characteristic. Usually T. rubrum causes chronic form of a mycosis of feet. At the given form the plantar surface of foot is suppressed. In the amazed area the easy erythema, the moderate or expressed ecdysis, and in some cases a thick layer of a hyperkeratosis becomes perceptible.
The hyperkeratosis is most expressed in the points carrying the greatest load. When the center continuous also covers all surface of a sole, foot becomes as though dressed in a layer and a hyperkeratosis like moccasins. Disease, as a rule, isn’t accompanied by subjective sensations. Sometimes implications of a tinea of feet are minimum, presented by an easy ecdysis and cracks on feet — the so-called erased form.
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