www.heroindetoxrehab.com This video is a cinematic illustration of how the ways of a heroin addict affects loved ones, the people that care… Change is possible. (heroin addiction abuse recovery treatment help dependency detox rehab)
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By mau 23 Comments
www.heroindetoxrehab.com This video is a cinematic illustration of how the ways of a heroin addict affects loved ones, the people that care… Change is possible. (heroin addiction abuse recovery treatment help dependency detox rehab)
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streetfightspdx says
How Could You Not Laugh Unless You’re Some Lil Emo Kid …..
Michaeltanase says
Please I’m in dire need of your help I lost my health care and need to pay for my RX for seizures and comas. Visit my site and watch my life is precious video how you can help, GB!
tenthousandyearsgoon says
How do i get it online?
tenthousandyearsgoon says
This vid if F’d up.
These rehab places charge 40thousand dollars A WEEK!
ANd they are putting themselves forwards like they are helping people. They are ripping people off more than the drug pushers!
streetfightspdx says
Just do some research, there is a bunch of places, check out Erowid, it’s a site about drugs of all kinds, one of the best resources about all drugs…There is definitely sources out there and clinics in Mexico, Panama and the Caribbean island of St. Kitts and various places around the world, if I was a heroin addict or addicted to anything I’d probably know where to get that but I haven’t looked for sources online but I’m sure you can find some sources online.
birex2000 says
hey guys check out my music. If you like hip hop it will be worth your time. Please comment. Thanks.
peteypete1984 says
nice hi hat sample at 1:45
blacksystem12 says
I think the guy was on Steroids…he acted like if it was roid rage instead of if him tweakin or heroin tweaking….
LiamQuirk94 says
lmfao yea
peteypete1984 says
ok ur on ill check it out
peteypete1984 says
ha i was hoping someone would catch that its so random u know good ear my friend i thought that comment wouldnt make sense to anyone thanx u made my day by replying not the heroin addict is cool its just classic how there this random hi hat in there peace oh check my beats only got one up now but i got a like a million recorded just gotta upload..peace
mark1138 says
holy fuck!
RUInternational says
There is hope for the Hopeless that are struggling with addiction. Reformers Unanimous is a faith-based addictions program. We maintain an 82% percent success rate! Check us out @Ruinternational.
ooozuh says
since you’re drinking and on drugs, how about using an iud or a birth control implant for now? it may be best for you and babies-to-be.
CrzdRedhd says
a little too much – could have just had the family disappear there was no need for that
djsyeska says
what a load of fukin bollox… bullshit…
bigtrav01 says
Heroin doesn’t normally do that…
sswoodymay says
It’s a metafor
Amputate says
lol when they say “you’re not just hurting yourself you’re hurting your loved ones as well” they don’t mean LITERALLY, this was just brutal.
alis4311 says
I don’t really know what i think about this video to be honest.
I like the fact that the focal point is that you’re not only hurting yourself, but i don’t like the way they depict it. This can be interpreted in a way that makes people believe that heroin makes you violent (which obviously can be true in some cases. but mostly it doesn’t)
blakeaholder says
I think it doesnt matter if heroin doesnt normally do that. it still causes some crazy stuff to go on in your life and reallys screws it up. I also think this is being stressed so much to really make people think about can happen if you take heroin.
SoberGifts says
How riduculous is this? So is probably the money they want when millions of addicts get clean free in N.A. Anything for money
Lovemonkeysxox says
holy shit what an idiot