Learn about depression symptoms with expert tips on dealing with depression in this free mental health video. Expert: Brenda F. Dixon Contact: www.LifeHelpNow.com Bio: Brenda F. Dixon is a trained personal coach, mentor, counselor concerned with the condition of the mind and heart of people. She is a good resource to businesses, ministries, and individuals. Filmmaker: Darren Dixon
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im depressed
i pooped my pants
shit. im depressed.
You can’t exactly diagnose yourself with depression from the net or videos like these. Best thing to do is go to ur GP or a counselor and get yourself checked out.
me 2
me 2
how can u tell if u may be depressed or be stressed?
Ive just been to my doctore becuse my hair is falling out because ive been stressed because i lost my job in march, anyway, my GP shouted at me 4 being late but im finding it difficult to be on time 4 things because i cant seem to get up and ready in the mornings and when she had a go i burst out into tears which is so not like me, And she didnt even ask if i was stressed or not. Then i couldnt even talk to her because i was so upset about it
what if you sleep too much? like toooo much and you’re always tired? for no reason?
sleeping too much OR sleeping too little . . .
are both signs of imbalances
I have moved from the ‘changes’ due to getting into depression, to the ‘lifestyle’ of depression . . . it’s just a way of life to me
thanx so much