Identifying social isolation as asign of depression with expert mental health advice in this free mental health video. Expert: Leslie Moselle Bio: With a double major in Psychology and Criminology, Ms. Leslie Moselle has experience in both the legal and child development field. Ms. Filmmaker: Leslie Moselle
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youbananabuoy says
Well I’m socially isolated. . . but my actions have usually been that way, so it’s the way I am . . . it’s interesting, I was more sociable in my high school but since university I have pretty much never left my room other than for class.
occultdestroyer says
occultdestroyer says
Hey I just read your profile.
I have to say that you and I are very much similar in many ways.
I’m 22 now, and I never really had a person whom I could consider as a friend.
Yes, it feels lonely, but that’s just who I am, and there’s nothing I could do to change that.
But I do know that there are people who will love you no matter how lonely or depressed you are… FAMILY.
JakeN1985 says
Life hand picks it’s winners at birth and then casts the losers away to live a life of one rejection and betrayal after another. Theres no point to life, theres no afterlife, there’s no rewards for good behavior. You live, you’re miserable no matter how hard you try and eventually you die. You’re like an ant trying to get away from the big mean kid trying to light you on fire with a magnifying glass but it’s hopeless. Just lay there and let the flames engulf your body and be done with it.
djtanner66 says
then why not just go nuts and have a party if you know thats your fate you know? like do something crazy
NinetiesYouth says
I’m an involuntary loner
Kythos says
Let me add that sensitivity to criticism and rejection as factors to social isolation. But the truth is, Love is the best anti-depressant ever. Love is extending oneself for the benefits of the spiritual growth of another person and the self. Not all depressed people are introverts. Introversion is not pathological but a normality in the personality.
RyanFresh says
Let me reach out to you all. You see for ten years, I’ve struggled with severe depression. Since I was 14, I was so sucidal and depressed. I didn’t do that well in school, if I made friends I didn’t believe that they loved and cared for me, I didn’t have many friends, I claimed I was a loner, and I always felt like I’m not good enough for anyone in my life even with myself. I had chronic low self esteem but today I’m well all because I’m seeing a therapist and I’m on prozac.
TomSaunders89 says
I recently made a good friend called dry cider. He’s going to be with me for a long time, I feel.
eternallyempty says
The worst part about isolation is that it is a downward spiral
1) You have problems and as a coping mechanism you isolate yourself
2) In trying to understand the problem your priorities change
3) Communication lessens and your friendships fade and you don’t go out as much
4) Social interaction gets to the point where you can’t return to what you once had, this makes you sad
5) You have yet another problem and you have lost some friends and perhaps in worst cases, family
Elitpthunder says
wow i have all those symptoms but i guess ill just live with it since i was like this ever since i was 11 and everyone at school calls me emo sigh life can be a bitch…………. at least i still have Family. 🙂
perfectshot77 says
She nailed it, but their is more if you are broken then nothing matters, all tv shows don’t matter and are just stupid and worthless as well as anything anyone says to you, youv’e found everything to be pointless, boring and worthless to you and possibly evil, even yourself.
KristineCee says
@eternallyempty number 4 and 5 sound really hopeless… it’s not necessarily true…
aSuP3RSaiYaN says
shes hot
davaflava323 says
@JakeN1985 thanks for putting a positive spin on depression lol
leopower7 says
@Kythos Love is anti-depressant? Hell no. Love is just a way to hide how miserable and dependable your life really is.
leopower7 says
I don’t think that even the almighty Psychology(which I used to love) can understand depression through studies. I believe that only who has been through the worst kind of depression can really understand what’s going on(if they win the ‘battle’).
fall4daeyez says
@LeoPower7 I deffinetly agree
Luckynotm3 says
agree 🙁
ILLESTwhiteNI66A911 says
wow this babe is blazin id wife that
ILLESTwhiteNI66A911 says
i got all that ish ……