I am 21 years old. There was an erosion of a neck of a uterus, it was cauterized the laser. Recently the gynecologist has told that my analyses are not very good and to be protected from a virus and not to be ill with a cancer of a neck of a uterus it is necessary to inoculate. Explain, please, whether the inoculation is necessary from human papiloma virus protection.
Any sexily active woman has a risk of human papilloma virus occurring (HPV). According to the statistic, its prevalence reaches 80 %. Therefore it is necessary to pass routine inspections at the gynecologist during which time the smear for the cytologic (cellular) research is taken.
It is a lot of types of human papiloma virus. Now it is allocated approximately 100 and it is established that some of them represent potential danger of development of a cancer of a neck of a uterus. These are the following types 16, 18, 45, 31, 33.
For quite some time now for preventive maintenance of a cancer of a neck of a uterus bacterination is offered.
As women are subject to risk of infection by a human papiloma virus during all sexily active life, the ideal vaccine for its preventive maintenance should provide long protection and cause the strong immune protection. Since 2006 in our country in these purposes the preparation of “Gardasil” which is offered to be entered with 11-12 age is applied. Recently gynecologists recommend using for bacterination a preparation “Tservariks” framed by Belgian pharmaceutical company. It provides protection against the most widespread types of HPV – 16, 18, 45 and 31. According to the physicians, this vaccine has been developed with use of a new adjuvant (AS04) for formation is long remaining level of antibodies. (Nonspecific stimulators of immune reactions are added to vaccines for intensifying of development of immunity.)
Bacterination is voluntary decision; the patient should accept the decision for it. Women often ask to gynecologists a question whether it is necessary to do an inoculation if the oncogenous virus is already exists. The unambiguous answer on this question while isn’t present, as bacterination is spent for quite some time now. But medical practice shows that the preparation “Tservariks” interferes with virus diffusion even when it has already got into an organism.
You should know this:
Now it is known about 180 types of Huma papiloma virus (HPV) and 29 from them are capable to cause a cancer. Each of them has digital value which was appropriated in a chronological order of their opening. On degree of oncogenous risk allocate some groups of HPV:
Low degree of risk – 6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 54, 61, 70, 72, 81;
Average degree of risk – 26, 31, 33, 35, 51, 52, 53, 58, 66;
High risk – 16, 18, 39, 45, 56, 59, 68, 73, 82.
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