Immunochemical methods is possible to tap HPV antigens in tissues of peaked condylomas in 71,4 % of cases, a hybridization method — in 96,5 % and by means of method of chain reaction — in 10 % of cases. Efficiency of DNA-hybridization doesn’t exceed efficiency of histological research.
Clinical implications of the HPV-INFECTION of genitals is very much variable. Now they are sectioned into peaked condylomas, papillary versions of condylomas (with the expressed exophytic growth), and also flat and inverted (intraepithelial) with endophytic growth. Last variant known also under the name of “a subclinical HPV-INFECTION” is most combined in the diagnostic plan as there are no accurate microscopical changes of an epithelium. In this case for definition of a clear boundary of a lesion are required special screening receptions.
Original variant of peaked condylomas is papules and a condyloma. Peaked condylomas represent formation on a surface of a skin and mucous, with a thin leg or the wide basis in the form of an individual nodule or plural epithelial growths, reminding by the form cock crests or a cauliflower. Diagnostics of large condylomas doesn’t cause any difficulties. Genital condylomas are localized basically in maceration places: small sexual labium, a vagina, a uterus neck, a urethra mouth, fundament area, integuments. At men peaked condylomas settle down in the field of a prepuce, on a balanus, perinatal area. The Incubation interval fluctuates from one till 12 months (on the average 3-6 months).
Researches of last decades testify that 85 % of patients with typical peaked condylomas vulva and perineums have the additional centers of the HPV-INFECTION in a vagina or a uterus neck. One of clinical versions of the diseases caused by the HPV-INFECTION are the papules bound, sometimes pigmented on skin and mucosas of representatives of both sex, more often reminding usual warts or a seborrhea keratosis. Contrary to illness of Bouen, bound papules are of good-quality and spontaneously regress.
J. M. Handley and W. J. Dinsmore (1994) on the basis of literary and also on a basic of own researches have offered classification of clinical forms of the HPV-INFECTION and the diseases associated with it.
In overwhelming majority of cases demonstrative forms of the HPV-INFECTION are combined with other diseases, sexually transmitted. According to Bernard and Mugi (1996), demonstrative forms of the HPV-INFECTION arise, as a rule, as a result of action of some factors:
* the social;
* the infectious diseases bound to associations, sexually transmitted;
* bound to change of the immune status.
The most essential influence of the infections of urogenital tract associated with HPV-DEFEATS: a urogenital clamidiosis, a mycoplasmosis and a herpetic infection, etc. Result of their influence on the HPV-INFECTION current is a process of synchronization, formation proof, as rule already nonspecific inflammatory changes from genitourinary sphere and appreciable difficulties in carrying out of therapeutic actions.
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