Some symptoms of depression in men include sadness and despair, thoughts of suicide, loss of libido and a loss of interest in activities. Look for signs of depression in males withadvice from a mental health counselor in this free video on therapy and counseling. Expert: Virginia Intelisano Bio: Virginia Intelisano is a master’s level mental health counselor who works for Personal Enrichment Through Mental Health Services. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
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xhemexx says
I’m sorry but I find it really difficult to beleive that many ladies even care if a man is deppressed. Based on all the hate and bashing against men I hear time after time, I worry any time I hear something like this. I wish so much it was true. I mean we should all be helping eachother. But I feel it’s almost hopeless to look for help in alot of women, because it makes me sad that there is so mucch of this “gender war” stuff going on. But we need to realize that wee need eachother!!
shorutuburetto says
Nice video! I’m a PhD candidate from Australia looking at men’s experiences of/with depression. Thanks for adding to the awareness!
Key2daUnderground says
something about Virginia Intelisano’s facial expression, body language, & smirk makes me un-easy
MetusModus says
This is my gripe. A fully qualified mental health counsellor cannot even talk correctly. “Your saneness”? Exactly what is saneness? SANITY woman, no wonder intelligent males throw themselves from skyscrapers. Your health and SANITY.