The modern medicine recommends to get rid of superfluous formations on a skin. Them burn out by means of a cold, cut out surgically, use laser therapy and electro coagulation (cauterize). These methods effectively delete the lesion centers where they settled down. In treatment of peaked condylomas so-called cytotoxic preparations are widely applied. The short of their action is reduced to destruction of cells at the expense of oppression of their division (reproduction).
Recently at treatment of human papilloma virus efficiency of preparations of protective fiber – interferon and inductors (stimulators) of formation of interferon is proved. These preparations can be applied as in the form of ointments and candles. The most perspective the combined therapy combining local and system treatment especially is considered if infectious process is much extended.
For excision of warts and papillomas use also herbs.
First of all can be applied different grasses. It is necessary to cut off a plant at a root. Orange juice to which should grease a wart some times will be allocated. When it will turn black, it needs to be cut off accurately scissors and to continue to grease until it won’t be gone absolutely. Usually there are enough 3-7 greasings. In the same purposes apply also dusting powders from dry leaves.
Small warts can be reduced by means of juice of a dandelion or a meal from a grass and roots of the hare cabbage. So what you should do is to grease a wart with dandelion juice twice a day. And the hare cabbage is crushed, triturated in a meal and should be put on a wart and bandage it.
In the autumn it is possible to prepare a meal from the triturated crude berries of a mountain ash collected after the first frosts. It should be impose on a wart and fix an adhesive plaster. Hold 5-6 hours, and then put a new portion of a meal. In the same way at any time of a year it is possible to use garlic and fresh leaves of a kalanchoe plumose.
Juice from fresh plants of a duckweed small at repeated greasing also leads to destruction of warts, papillomas and condylomas.
At a papillomatosis of internal genitals and a rectum it is possible to recommend daily trays from infusion of a chamomile chemist’s and other grasses. Duration of procedure should last 10-15 minutes.
The greatest effect gives a combination of medical trays to introduction of candles to interferon preparations. It helps to raise local immunity of mucosas of genitals. At a papillomatosis after catarrhal diseases or a flu the dysbacteriosis of a vagina which considerably suppresses local immunity is possible. To restore bacteriological balance syringing by warm kefir with the Lactobavterine preparation dissolved in it will also help. A course should last not less than 10 days.
Nobody will object that the way we look is very important for us. And this is the main reason why people who suffer from warts look for a treatment for it. It is especially critical for those people who have warts on their sexual organs. Those who are experience the problem are invited to go to this genital warts treatment site – the right place on the Internet to find everything you need – over the counter treatment for genital warts and even more.
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