Human papilloma virus:
The basic features of human papiloma virus:
Human papilloma virus concerns viruses which contain molecules DNA containing its genetic material. This virus can amaze both an epithelial cover of a skin, and mucous. The virus can not cause at all any symptoms. But it can be shown in the form of warts and lead to malignant tumors. Revealing Human papilloma virus probably only at smear research on Papanikolau as for it the certain microscopical picture is characteristic.
More often the virus extends at direct contact to organs amazed with an infection. The child can catch from mother subject to this disease, and at mature age it is possible to catch at sexual contact.
The basic clinical implications of a virus:
There are different clinical implications a virus papilloma. It depends on that what part of a body is amazed. On arms usually there are warts of brownish color with a harder skin. One more kind of the warts, the named plantar is very similar to a callositas, but at attentive examining on its surface it is possible to see the thrombosed capillaries. Such warts meet at children on neck surfaces, in elbows, under knees and on face more often. At infection occurrence in urogenital tract, these neoplasms arise on mucous genitals, thus there is a strong itch, a burning sensation, in certain cases a bleeding.
Warts in itself also are a good diagnostic sign, at physical survey of the patient it allows the doctor to make the preliminary diagnosis. However acknowledgement of the diagnosis won’t do without laboratory researches. The smear on Papanikolau shows the cytologic signs of disease, and by means of DNA diagnostics it is possible to tap virus type precisely.
What is the melanoma?
More often the melanoma happens in dark – brown or black color because of substance of melanin which is developed by melanocytes. In comparison with planocellular cancer, a melanoma more serious disease and also it are less widespread.
In the majority of clinical cases a melanoma found out on a trunk of white men and standing in white women, but the tumor can arise at people with different types of a skin and in other parts of a body. It is considered to be that people with a dark skin are less subject to risk of occurrence of a melanoma.
However even at them this disease can arise on palms, feet and even under fingernails. Very seldom the melanoma appears in the places which have been not covered with an integument, that is, on mucous eyes, in an oral cavity, a vagina, a colon.
The melanoma, as well as other kinds of a cancer, is curable at early stages. But its basic difference is, in that it extends on other parts of a body more often.
No doubt that the way we look is very important for us. That’s why those who suffer from warts search for a treatment for it. It is especially critical for those people who have warts on their genitals. Those who are facing the problem are welcomed to check out this genital warts treatment site – the proper place on the Internet to find everything you need – natural treatment for genital warts and even more.
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