Dr. Peter Breggin, in an interview for “Changing Our Minds”, a documentary on depression, talks about effective counseling methods for depression and the truth about the adverse effects of SSRIs and anti-depressant medication. More info and clips at www.changingourmindsmovie.com
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Soulnik says
Well said. ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
perlirut says
Most psychiatrists have depressing lives.
kilija383 says
This guy has the right idea
dianeticstu says
Thank you Breggin
onesimplevoice says
Dr. Breggins professional life would have been much easier if he had just gone with the program and benefitted from the kickbacks psychiatrists receive from the pharma industry. Instead he made the choice to leave this world with a clean conscience and try to help people get to the source of their problems. Not suppress symptoms with drugs which actually creates more emotional and then physical damage as well. Our loss.
terratagONE says
I don’t know why people try to knock Breggin the guy is trying to save there lifes.
LindaKay1948 says
One thing Dr. Breggin doesn’t mention is that there are quite a number of people complaining about having sexual dysfunction years after taking and discontinuing SSRIs. Some of them are very young and were given these drugs before puberty. Some report feeling sexless due to genital anesthesia and say they want to die. I wonder if this may be at least a PART of the reason for the black box warnings on risk of suicide in people who have been put on antidepressants.
TheOmegaeyes says
I’ve learned Dr. Briggins is the ONLY man I’ll listen to when it comes to these issues simply because he TELLS THE TRUTH!!!
bb4960 says
“Dr. Peter Breggin Conscience Of Psychiatry” anagram-ciphers to “Find secret China-GP/DoD2 core by creepy string”.