Considering that fact that specific antiviral preparations and the vaccines operating on HPV while are absent, it is considered to be that full elimination of a virus from an organism impossible to reach. A therapy problem is an elimination of clinical and subclinical forms of the HPV-INFECTION.
For today in an arsenal of practicing doctors there is a set of methods of excision of genital warts. Efficiency varies them from 30 to 90 %, but any of methods isn’t panacea as frequency of relapses is high enough at any way of treatment. Treatment should be strictly individual: it is necessary to select the optimal decision in each specific case, sometimes considering wishes of the patient. The problem of relapses doesn’t depend on a therapy choice. Relapses of genital warts are bound more often not to a reinfection from the sexual partner, but with an infection reactivation. There are three ways of succession of events in the absence of treatment:
* warts can be resolved independently;
* remain without changes;
* to progress.
Thus always it is necessary to take into consideration possibility of virus persistence in the absence of any clinical implications.
Choosing the optimal method in each specific case, it is necessary to be guided by four basic characteristics:
* efficiency at the given pathology;
* frequency of relapses after treatment;
* shipping (a minimum of by-effects);
* simplicity of performance of procedures.
Besides at excision of genital warts it is necessary to solve following important problems:
1. To treat patients first of all (and their sexual partners) other diseases sexually transmitted that are connected with wart infection.
2. To spend screening of all women with warts in genital areas on a cervical intraepithelial neoplasia with application of the cytologic research and a colposcopy.
3. To support the further observation at early stages for timely revealing of their advance or development of a microinvasive carcinoma.
4. To spend active treatment of genital warts, neoplasias at the early stages proceeding with the developed clinical picture, neoplasias at late stages and a planocellular carcinoma.
5. To make for the patient the reference on use of condoms and restriction of casual sexual contacts for prevention of becoming infected (and reinfected) with the HPV-INFECTION and others sexually transmitted infections.
As a matter of fact, treatment of genital HPV INFECTIONS is referred or on destruction of the papillomatous centers by that or other methods.
There are really a lot of different methods of treatment f HPV infections, but we are going to talk about it in the following article. However, any way I would like to mention about some side effects of such therapy.
From side-effects it is necessary to note an ulceration, a bleeding, a secondary becoming infected, a cicatrization. As well as at use of electrosurgical methods, there is an allocation of DNA HPV to a smoke that also demands safety measures.
No doubt that the way we look is very important for all the people. That’s why people who suffer from warts try to find a treatment for it. It is especially important for those people who have warts on their sexual organs. Those who are experience the issue are invited to go to this genital warts treatment site – the very place on the Internet to find everything you need – over the counter treatment for genital warts and even more.
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