www.tmwmedia.com Depression can be a devastating condition for teens. It can interfere with school, social life, family life and virtually every aspect of a teen’s life. In this program, teens learn about the real risks of teen depression, how to identify depression along with the warning signs of depression and why it is important to seek help. This program also covers the tragedy of teen suicide and what to do if you or a friend needs help. This is real advice for a dangerous and widespread condition among today’s teens.
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i feel so depressed all of the time, and sometimes, i don’t feel alive, like an empty shell without feeling, and I can completely zone out and not even remember things that had happened yesterday. I feel so weird, like I’m slowly losing my emotions, and my happiness. Everyone loved how I joked around a lot, and now they think that i’ve matured a lot more, and that’s it, but eve though it’s true i have matred a little, I still am the same, bu in a wya I’m not. I’m so confused…….
I also feel the same way. PPl cause others this pain and ppl that can hurt these teens or adults that are depressed need to realize one thing. How would you feel if you were depressed and we teased you for your depression?
i know exactly how you feel – i used to feel the same way .. when did these feelings start? was there something that happened that triggered it?