Everyone experiences sadness, loneliness and grief. But when depression symptoms don’t go away, the emotional toll can be devastating! mental.healthguru.com
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depression overcoming depression
By mau 12 Comments
Everyone experiences sadness, loneliness and grief. But when depression symptoms don’t go away, the emotional toll can be devastating! mental.healthguru.com
Depressive Episode Coming On ? Here’s How To Fight Depressive episode refers to a period of time in which an individual experiences persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in activities that they once enjoyed. During a depressive episode, a person may also experience changes in their appetite, sleep patterns, […]
MacPr0xnxx0 says
Angel214725 says
Easy to treat? Fuck no…
barngirlXx3 says
@Angel214725 its highly treatable not easily treatable
sYnerGyZniGmA says
if you’re depressed — eat more MEAT/protein and get more EXERCISE and avoid stressy a-hole people / jobs … DO NOT TAKE SSRI’s … they can make it worse, overall … there are better herbal alternatives if you know what I mean …
tomohawkchop says
The word “depression” gets thrown around all to easy these days
arievtube says
Going to doctor?
More stressfull …expensive
Adj19888 says
@sYnerGyZniGmA YEAH MAN I KNOW the herbals u mean 😛
secretp101 says
@sYnerGyZniGmA “herbal alternatives” proteins and stuff work for healthy people who are just sad or lethargic from time to time nothing from these things work for mentally ill people
sYnerGyZniGmA says
@secretp101 yes they DO work … unless youre a narrow minded republi-tard who has been brain-washed by the pretty people .
secretp101 says
@sYnerGyZniGmA so I have to be brain-washed and narrow minded just because of not smoking weed like you do?? interesting.
sYnerGyZniGmA says
@secretp101 i dont smoke weed, for the record. honestly . it’s a horrid , crude and ugly way to utilize cannabis as medicine .
xXJohnathyXx says
It can be hard to treat if your a person who sets youself up for failure. I hope everyone who watches this is ok 🙂