Skin problems: feet callosities
Exchange of experience:
Robert Diamond, the expert in fungoid diseases of feet of the Central hospital of Bethlehem and osteopathic hospital (USA) advises daily to grease feet with Vaseline. The skin becomes smoother and will rub less.
Nicolas Jay Lov, the professor of dermatology of the Californian University and the director of fund of skin researches in Santa Monica (USA) recommends to patients to wear footsies, socks and stockings from natural silk. It is more pleasant for a skin than all other tissues and interferes with a friction isn’t worse at all than Vaseline.
Douglas the Richey-Junior, the colleague of doctor Lov in the Californian university, is categorically against cotton socks which consider the majority of doctors as an agent of preventive maintenance of a callosities and mycoses. Socks from natural threads well absorb sweat, are easily erased, but they have a huge disadvantage which outweighs all advantages. The tissue impregnated then grows coarse, gets off, becomes shapeless and rubs skin. The better socks keep the form (this problem dares addition of acrylic threads), the lower is risk of infection with a fungoid infection.
Joseph Bark manager of department of hospital of sacred Joseph in Lexington (USA), offers a safe way of wearing of new shoes! Put on them for some time like 30 minutes a and then change the shoes for your old footwear. For a week, a maximum two, you gradually will get used to a new thing, without having rubbed any callosities!
Americans have framed the whole arsenal of the adaptations protecting the keratosis callosities from a trauma: the closed and open fingerstalls from the elastic porous material, a special cover for a little finger, cut out on the special sample.
By the way, doctors confirm: if you watch for heels, wear convenient footwear, but skin on them still rasping, continually there are callosities, it testifies about already available disease, but not distinguished yet. To prevent them, every day for 5-15 minutes massage the hardened places, triturating, kneading, pressing on them and it should also help.
Effective ways of struggle against the inveterate, deep callosities. So what are the other ways of treatment and removal of callosities?
In a slice of a usual adhesive plaster cut an aperture corresponding to the size of a callosity and paste so that it has appeared in the center. Grease on a sore point some drops of a corn liquid, Pheresolum or other tinctureor mixture also stick it with Emplastrum for a day. After the specified term carefully remove a cornual layer with the special scissors preliminary disinfected by alcohol or tonic, also grease with a fat cream. Repeat procedure few times a week before full treatment.
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