In the autumn and especially in the winter often there are arising problems with lips dryness and other pathologies. So it is necessary for all of us to be aware of how to cope with such problems and how to prevent them.
Problems with a skin of labium.
How to cope with them?
Problem: hard lip skin and the cracked skin of labium
What are the reasons for that?
The first reason: insufficient humidifying.
What to do? For elimination of this problem it is necessary to get a special cream for labiums. There is all the necessary nutritious and wetting substances which can very soon make lips soft and healthy. The same result can be achieved and by means of the creams intended for care of skin around eyes.
How to put on this cream putting wetting agents for labiums it is necessary to do with small pillows of fingers. It is impossible also to smear cream; in this case the skin is stretched and becomes more vulnerable in respect of micro traumas.
Preventive measures. To use a cream it is necessary not only when there are any problems. This agent is intended for daily application. Still it is necessary to do nutritious masks for labiums. preparing them is actually really simple. It is necessary to take a teaspoon of vegetable or for that purpose the olive approaches even better. In it it is necessary to add some drops vitamin A and some drops of lemon juice. It is necessary to put turned out structure plentifully on labiums, and in 15 minutes you should remove it with a dry napkin. It is necessary to do such masks 1–2 times a week.
The second reason: Abusing of lipsticks.
What to do? Cosmetic lipsticks, as it is known, dehydrate labiums. So to use them regularly it is not recommended. This kind of decorative cosmetics approaches only for some special cases and occasions. However, you can use nutritious lipsticks containing a considerable quantity of fats, nutritious and antiseptic additives and you may use it on every day bases. Very good are also hydrating lipsticks, but only not in a cold season. After all additives containing there very often has a water basis, and it at low temperatures causes micro frostbites. So in the autumn and in the winter you need to give preference to nutritious and hygienic lipsticks.
Preventive measures: Cosmetic lipsticks will bring smaller harm, if they leave a special cream. If the cream isn’t present near at hand, it is possible to replace it with a liquid for removing off of a make-up from eyelids. And it is better here to choose diphasic agents which structure includes fatty components; then cosmetic lipstick can be removed quickly and completely.
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