Treating skin problems.
Still recently doctors confidently prescribe and advise solar baths to the patients who are suffering with dermal diseases. However recently experts even more often say that the sunlight is at all contraindicative to some people.
Sunburn consequences
After homing from holidays many of us notice in the appearance something brand new. As soon as the skin starts to brighten, not clearly whence there are birthmarks, freckles, reddenings, blisters and etc. Sunburn for a while masks skin minor defects, but then it is necessary to pay off for it with more serious problems. Presenilation is the most harmless of them. Long stay provokes development of almost all dermal diseases to the sun, not to mention numerous cosmetic defects.
Several beams of the scorching sun will be enough to provoke herpes occurrence. On labiums and in a mouth there can be these unpleasant rashes. The virus peacefully dozes in us while we don’t chill or we do not go on a beach. The most unpleasant that thus the patient becomes infectious. Virus transfer through the general ware, a towel, bed-sheets and etc. and it is possible to infect the adult and a child even with an innocent smack in a cheek!
If at you on mucous at least one time in life arose “blisters” know: you can go to the beach only on a blossoming namely until 11 o’clock in the morning and after 4 o’clock in the evening. Outside stay with the covered head and most part of the time it is better to spend under trees or an awning. Try not to injure the amazed sites of a skin and wash it accurately not to carry any infection.
If after holiday unpleasant rashes don’t leave you, start to grease the amazed sites with special ointment. At the moment of an exacerbation of illness don’t visit dentist as you can infect him. To whom you really should address it is the doctor-virologist.
Birthmarks represent areas of concentration of melanin which react to the sun very quickly and morbidly. It can lead to a skin cancer subsequently. Practically each of us has at least some birthmarks but very few people will abstain from sunburn for these reasons. But still you should be very careful. The skin cancer gained, for example, in 50 years, is not other as consequence of “resunburn” in youth.
If after holiday the quantity and the size of birthmarks were enlarged, you should talk to the dermatologist and to be more careful with sun rays. If on your body there are more than 50 birthmarks sun rays to you should be avoided at any cost. Removing birthmarks is a very dangerous thing to do, not to admit their “reproduction” easier.
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