Nevus pigmentosus on a skin is as though an organism signal about malfunctions in its work. Usually the sun “highlights” this pigment spots in strictly certain places. By the form of maculae and looking at the place of their locating it is possible to define a sick organ. For example, pigmentation on a forehead in the form of a bandlet is quite often bound to disease of the central nervous system. Maculae caused by diseases of a liver settle down on a lateral surface of cheeks with transition to a neck. At diseases of genitals at women and disturbance of work of a gastro enteric tract of maculae appear round a mouth, on a chin, at lip cords.
It is possible to struggle with maculae. For this purpose is applied various kinds of a peeling and bleaching agents. But before to dare at similar cosmetic procedures, consult with the doctor that he has found out the occurrence reason of pigment spots.
For the prevention measures it is necessary not only to protect a skin from an ultraviolet, but also to wear dark glasses. It appears; sun beams can get into an organism through a retina of an eye and promote intensifying pigmentation.
Predisposition to red streaks gives out itself at children’s age. The blush which willingly accepts for a health sign, at a skin tension appears the thin branched out network of vascular capillaries. Later, as a rule after twenty five years streaks become visible and without a tension. The reason of such picture lies in hereditary delicacy of vessels.
If your skin is “decorated” by fine red reticulum it is necessary to know that stay on the sun is contraindicative to you. After all ultra-violet beams tire a connecting tissue, and the warm infra-red conduct to a vasodilatation. If all the same it is impossible to avoid sun influence, necessarily put on a skin a cream with high safety factor. To remove red reticulum it is possible to do usine the means of the laser in medical clinics.
There is an opinion that acne and that is black spots eruption, it is possible to treat on the sun. It is not fully true. The matter is that the ultraviolet possesses a disinfectant and consequently slightly reduces quantity of heat-spots, but rather not for a long time. This temporary effect is fraught with the further exacerbation of illness. High doses of an ultraviolet weaken immune protection, strengthen fat gaining and complicate tearing away of dermal flakes in ducts of sebaceous glands even more. If you want to remove hated heat-spots address to the doctor-dermatologist. He will pick up special preparations of local use and will paint the scheme of their application. For intake it is usually prescribed the big doses of vitamin A and E. Serious cases of the dark spots eruptions demand special medicinal therapy which operates on difficult causes of illness.
No doubt that the way we look is very important for us. And this is the main reason why those who suffer from warts search for a treatment for it. It is especially important for those people who have warts on their genitals. Those who are facing the issue are invited to check out this genital warts treatment site – the right spot on the Internet to obtain everything you need – natural treatment for genital warts and even more.
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