There are a huge number of forms of good-quality tumors of a skin and hypodermic cellulose. They can be classified raspingly as follows in the given article:
• false skin tumors, such as warts, keratoses, cysts;
• tumors of a vascular parentage, such as hemangiomas, lymphangiomas and glomal tumors;
• dermal tumors, such as lipomas, fibromas, colloids, palmar and feet fibromatosis (accordingly Dupuytren and Ledderhose), ganglions, neurinoma;
• a nevus.
Besides, always it is necessary to remember malignant neoplasms of primary or metastatic character.
In given article some often meeting diseases of a skin are in detail explained in this article. So if you are interesting in it, just keep reading below.
Warts are the most often meeting tumors of a skin, they can be observed on any part of a body and often form small groups. The reason of occurrence of warts is the virus which causes a hypertrophy of dermal papillas. Warts are somewhat infectious, because of what they are more often observed at children than at adults. It is distinguished some kinds of warts:
• verruca vulgaris is a usual wart which in most cases is on brushes of arms;
• verruca plana juvenilis is flat wart less towering over a surface of a skin;
• verruca plantaris is a foot wart which is necessary for distinguishing with a callosities;
• verruca acuminata (condylomata acuminata) is a venereal wart. They meet in warm wet anorectic and genital zones; there they can pass and on mucous areas. Principal causes of occurrence of these warts – non-observance of hygiene rules and infection at sexual contact.
The contagious molluscum is related to wart disease. Warts which, by the way, can disappear spontaneously also often destroy using the method of cauterization by liquid nitrogen. Other methods are the electro coagulation, application of topical agents, such salicylic acids, cryotherapy. And radiotherapy it is better not to apply. Warts easily enough recur.
Papillomas and fibroma pendulum is small papillary growths of a skin which are observed round axillas, on a back, on a forward and back surface of a neck. They often have very thin stalk so they can be cut off without anesthesia, and thus, as a rule, there is no essential bleeding.
If the stalk slightly more thickly you can bandage it then fibroma quickly blackens wrinkled and within several days disappears. This method, certainly, not absolutely approaches when the doctor isn’t assured of the nature of pathological formation that is why it is necessary to do all the medical examination before starting any treatment. Any way you should be also very careful while starting any treatment especially if it is some national methods of treatment as it can lead also to dramatic consequences.
No doubt that appearance is very important for all the people. That’s why those who suffer from warts search for a treatment for it. It is especially critical for those people who have warts on their sexual organs. Those who are facing the issue are welcomed to go to this genital warts treatment site – the very place on the Internet to find everything you need – over the counter treatment for genital warts and even more.
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