Acne is a dermatological disease, but not just a cosmetic problem, in a life it is called as “spots”; actually represents a serious problem not only cosmetology character, but also socially-psychological. After all the basic group of patients (about 80 %) are teenagers at the age from 12 till 17 years and it is the most vulnerable in the psychological plan group.
Cases of later acne at people of mature age besides have become also frequent. Naturally, such problem demands the serious approach in treatment, associations of efforts of doctors of different specialties’. The word acne has occurred from Greek “acme” that meant top, a cone – apparently, because of appearance of rashes. Disease is characterized by an occlusion of sebaceous glands (occurrence of comedos) and their inflammation, and also tissues round them. As a result on a skin there are “black spots” – comedos, red heat-spots – papules, pustules – pustules, sometimes and more serious implications – cysts, abscesses and cicatrixes.
Why there is this problem? The reasons are already studied enough and their understanding helps to struggle successfully with this problem. As it is known, in puberty there are appreciable changes in a hormonal background as girls, and young men. At the first development of female and man’s sexual hormones is insufficiently balanced, at the second man’s hormones are more simple. The Leading role in the man’s sexual hormone plays Testosterone Depotum to which sebaceous glands (especially so-called seborrhea zones – the center of the person – “T-zone” – a forehead are extremely sensitive, a nose, a chin; the top part of a breast and a back, there the greatest clump of sebaceous glands).
Testosterone Depotum raises activity of sebaceous glands and their secret not always completely and in time leaves on a skin surface (too for some reasons – an occlusion of lead-out ducts skin flakes, excess of cosmetics or poor-quality cosmetics). As a result on a skin surface at first there are comedos – the corked ostiums of sebaceous glands (happen opened with a visible head, and closed – look as a hillock). Presence of only first few comedos tells about easy degree of a current acne when the treatment of it can be the most effective and fast.
If process develops further, because of a rest retching contents the sebaceous gland inflames, reddens, and this frame favorable conditions for activation and development of specific microorganisms – Propionobacterium acnes. There are inflammatory elements in the form of papules and pustules.
When process goes further (in the absence of treatment, illiterate leaving, a skin traumatizing at independent expression of spots) – development of serious forms with an extensive pyesis, formation of cysts and rasping cicatrixes is possible. Then we deal with average acne and serious degree. Treatment of such forms longer and uneasy and should be spent by the doctor dermatologist-cosmetician or under control of the dermatologist.
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