The virus of a papilloma lives in a blood and is shown on a skin and mucosas. It is transferred mainly at sexual contact, but infection can occur and in a household way. Transfer of this virus is also possible in from mother to the child. It can be shown by skin growth in the form of a papilloma, disturbing to sight.
In microbiology there is a description of about 100 types of a virus of a papilloma.
They are varied in form and in color.
What has grown a human papilloma virus?
The most widespread implications are warts, papillomas and peaked condylomas. Unlike others, these formations on a skin can appear, disappear and again appear, because are a consequence of a virus infection and their expression depends on a condition of protective forces of an organism at the moment.
Warts are good-quality neoplasm of a skin; they represent dense tumors of 2-10 mm in diameter, with a clear boundary and a rough surface. As a rule, they differ with the roundish or wrong form; color can vary from light gray and yellow to brown or black. Warts appear in those places which are most subject to various traumas more often: for example, on fingers, elbows, knees, a pilar part of a head, but can arise and on other sites of a body. The infection can be transferred by contact-household way.
The most widespread are three versions of warts:
– Simple warts (about 70 % from all quantity of warts, meet almost at 20 % of schoolboys);
– Plantar warts (about 30 % from total, often meet at teenagers and youth);
– Flat warts (about 4 %, can meet at people of any age).
Besides, there are described “warts of butchers” with which really butchers, dealers fish and meat workers suffer more often and that is why it is allocated in separate group.
Papillomas are soft good-quality formations of the roundish form, on a leg or the wide basis, corporal or light brown color. The size of papillomas can be a miscellaneous – from 0,2 to 10 mm. As well as at any virus lesion of a skin, the quantity of papillomas is enlarged in due course; they occupy the increasing areas of a skin. More often papillomas are localized on a neck, face, in axillary hollows or in inguinal area.
There are papillomas not only at older persons with the weakened immune system, but sometimes and at the young persons. Usually it occurs after influence of the various factors weakening an organism, – long drug intake, flu, acute gastro enteric diseases, and stresses. Besides, infection can occur everywhere where humidity is raised and the skin of the person isn’t protected by clothes, for example in pool or on a beach. A way of the transmission of infection causing papillomas is contact-household.
Nobody will object that appearance is very important for us. And this is the main reason why people who suffer from warts search for a treatment for it. It is especially important for those people who have warts on their genitals. Those who are facing the problem are welcomed to check out this genital warts treatment site – the right place on the Internet to obtain everything you need – natural treatment for genital warts and even more.
These days researching the genital warts treatment issue is not that hard. With the help of Internet. It is very easy to choose the best proposition on the market. Just Google the keyword and do a quick reading on the sites and blogs.
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