Peaked condylomas represent the small size growth of a body color. Condylomas can be localized on genitals of the person and in certain cases peaked condylomas appear in a mouth. The given disease has the virus nature as it is raised by a papilloma virus.
All kinds of a virus of a papilloma which generate rashes on genitals, it is possible to part on two groups:
The first group is those viruses of a papilloma which at hit in a human body frame the big risk of dangerous complications. Namely, it can be the risk of occurrence of a dysplasia of a neck of a uterus. Also because of the given viruses danger of a cancer of a neck of a uterus strongly increases. However these viruses of a papilloma don’t promote occurrence of peaked condylomas. Papilloma viruses concern the given group at numbers 16, 18, 31, 33 and 35.
Viruses of a papilloma of the person which concern group of low risk, provoke occurrence of peaked condylomas on genitals, however the above-stated dangerous complications because of the given viruses don’t arise. Viruses of a papilloma of the person concern it at numbers 6 and 11 first of all.
People catch the viruses of a papilloma causing peaked condylomas during vaginal and proctal sexual contacts. Also infection is possible during oral sexual contact, however in a similar way infections with a virus of a papilloma occur seldom.
There were also infection cases the given viruses not during sexual intercourses, however they meet seldom enough and are badly studied. The papilloma virus can be transferred from mother to the child at the time of delivery.
Viruses of this kind are one of the most widespread diseases in the world sexually transmitted. And frequency of diseases by such viruses doesn’t depend on how much the country is developed, how many there is population it it, etc.
The virus of a papilloma causing condylomas amazes equally and the people traditionally concerning group of risk (the prostitute, narcomaniacs), and people from all other social classes. Basically, any person who has sexual contacts is in group of risk of infection with a papilloma virus.
More than half of the people having any sexual contacts are infected by a human papilloma virus of a papilloma some of them have rashes in the form of peaked condylomas.
Diagnostics of peaked condylomas
Diagnostics of peaked condylomas in most cases has no special difficulties.
If the person has typical peaked condylomas there is no need to define type of a virus of a papilloma.
However in diagnostics of peaked condylomas there are features. Namely, in certain cases condylomas may be mistaken with other diseases (or even normal conditions) that, certainly, is inadmissible:
At men are often made the erroneous diagnosis of peaked condylomas in cases of occurrence of a papular necklace of a penis.
At women in certain cases accept a micropapillomatosis of sexual labiums for notorious peaked condylomas. These formations represent papules which are located in the field of an entrance of the vagina, and also on a surface of small sexual labiums.
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