The papilloma is a good-quality growth of a skin which causes a human papilloma virus. The papilloma looks like a nipple or a nodule on a thin leg or wider basis. There are papillomas plural and individual. Their sizes fluctuate from 0.2 to 12 mm, color more often corporal, but pigmentation is possible also. The favorite site of papilloma is on a neck, the face, axillary areas and a skin under mammary glands, and it is located rarer on other sites of a body.
As a parentage of papillomas virus, they can be transferred from the person to the person through contact-household way, also on a body of one person of a papilloma tend to grow and reproduction.
Why they appear? Actually, with its virus infected about 80 % of the population, but the healthy immune system doesn’t suppose its reproduction and formation of papillomas. Papillomas appear at immunity depression – at advanced age, a condition after long drug intake and serious illnesses, strong stress, pregnancy. As a rule, papillomas grow very slowly, but at some conditions (pregnancy, illness, stress) their probably fast augmentation in size and quantity.
If the papilloma basis is damaged, it inflames. Because of frequent traumatism and and, of course, under esthetic indications, excision of papillomas is made. Besides behind a mask of papillomas the intraepidermal cancer can appear. Therefore at occurrence and diffusion of papillomas consultation of the dermatologist of the subsequent decision of a question on excision is obligatory.
For today there are some checked up ways of excision of papillomas:
The electro coagulation: it is used an electric current of high frequency which causes rise in temperature in tissues, destruction and excision of papillomas. After procedure there is a crust under which the skin heals.
Laser excision of papillomas very effectively, but can cause formation of cicatrices. By means of this method not only the changed tissue leaves, but also simultaneously with it the bleeding stops. It practically doesn’t cause complications, allows deleting damages of any size on necessary depth. The pathological element as though “evaporates” from a skin surface.
Cryolysis is the old and checked up method, enough simple and painless. Absence of contact to a blood eliminates becoming infected.
Radio surgery method, using high energy of radio-waves, assumes excision of papillomas by “radio knife”, without serious consequences and quickly cuts off the damaged site, coagulating vessels.
All procedures are effective enough also a method of excision of papillomas steals up individually, taking into account the form, depth, a formation site.
And it is desirable to conduct histological research of a remote tissue not to pass a malignant tumor (that is often the doctor prefers those methods at which the remote tissue can be kept for histological control). Therefore an optimum variant of treatment of papillomas is under the control of the doctor.
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