Cicatrices (also “scars”) are formations on a skin, generated of a connecting tissue owing to skin damage. However, cicatrices can be both on mucosas, and in an organism, but cosmetic defect are cicatrices on a skin.
Cicatrices kinds:
Normotrophic cicatrices are located level with surrounding normal skin, are formed as a result of physiological (that is, correct) healing of tissues. They are almost imperceptible; differ with color from a surrounding skin;
Hypertrophic are the cicatrices towering over level of a skin, more often dense to the touch, cyanotic, sometimes with the sprouted vessels;
Atrophic cicatrices are located below level of a surrounding skin, as though sink down;
Keloids are the most unpleasant kind of cicatrices. On the features and “behavior” of them often compare to good-quality tumors of a skin. Keloids are inclined to growth, is bright-pink color, strengthen the growth at any interventions. Often they are accompanied by an itch and unpleasant sensations (paresthesias).
Treatment of cicatrices:
The earlier the doctor “undertakes” cicatrix treatment the better it will be for you. That is to start to promote correct healing of tissues it is necessary even from the moment of skin damage. It is important to spend antiseptic processing of a wound, not to break a crust formed on a wound are the first steps to healing of a skin by a first intention (that is with the minimum risk of a cicatrization).
If skin damage deep, risk of formation of cicatrix is always. Be formed cicatrix can from 4 till 12 months.
It is important to everyone to explain that if there where damage of tissues, and the cicatrix was formed, the skin any more won’t be like it was earlier. It is simply possible to make cicatrix less appreciable.
If cicatrix hypertrophic at correction of such cicatrices apply: various kinds of compression (squeezing) influences – silicone plates and gels, bandages; for cicatrix delection into it often enter injection or by means of ultrasound medicinal preparations; different kinds of grindings and peelings (dermabrasion, a laser grinding, chemical peelings) are applicable; cryotherapy (influence by liquid nitrogen). If in a cicatrix tissue vessels are expressed it is cleaned with the vascular laser.
In cases when cicatrices atrophic, that is located below level of a surrounding skin, tactics depends on the size and prescription. At fine cicatrices it is possible to apply injections of filling preparations on the basis of gel of hyaluronic acid (but effect will be temporary, injections demand repetition each 6-8 months). In this case also peelings and grindings of surrounding skin are also applied. One of new techniques is application of the laser for stimulation of development of fibers of “correct” collagen in a cicatrix tissue. Keloid cicatrices are difficult enough to treat. Apply injections of special preparations, sometimes surgical excising, and laser therapy.
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