Professional character of dermatitis is probable in the presence of following features:
* occurrence of a dermatitis in professional work;
* deterioration of clinical implications in work;
* depression of activity of process at the termination of labor activity;
* contact to stimuli or potential allergens in an operating time.
In most cases implications of a professional dermatitis are localized only on brushes and the bottom part of forearms. Sometimes a place of primary localization is face or any other site of a body.
There is variety of chemical and physical stimuli (dissolvents, detergents, vegetable juice, etc.) which immediate influence on a skin causes dermatitis development, a susceptibility to influence of stimuli at sufficient intensity of contact the absolute. Implications are thus localized in places of the greatest thinning of a cornual layer of a skin (a brush dorsum, interdigital cords).
It is distinguished an acute and chronic contact dermatitis. The acute dermatitis arises in early terms after contact to a stimulus and spontaneously is exposed to a full involution after the contact termination. The chronic form of dermatitis develops after repeated contacts, proceeds for a long time and is characterized by process exacerbations at renewal of influence of a stimulus.
The allergic dermatitis grows out of reaction of hypersensitivity of IV type. Clinical implications arise on the site of a skin contacting to allergen. Probably it is also diffusion of a lesion of a skin by means of contaminated arms. As allergens various substances (for example, a formic aldehyde, the chemicals used in hairdresser’s business, vegetative allergens and etc.) can serve. In experiments it is shown that the minimum period from the first contact before hypersensitivity development makes 10 days. The majority of the potential allergens used in a life and on manufacture, possess low sensitizing activity.
It causes anxiety increasing number of dermatitis in which basis immediate reactions of hypersensitivity of I type to the fibers containing in rubber gloves from natural latex lie. Such patients accept use of gloves from synthetic materials.
For revealing of allergens the application tests can be used. However their efficiency in the big degree depends on professional level and experience of the personnel holding testing.
It is important to notice that on localization and morphological features of pathological changes at dermatitis it is impossible to define its etiology unequivocally. Great value detailed poll of the patient about features of its work, the careful analysis of the anamnesis of disease and revealing of possible etiological agents in this respect have.
Delays directed by the diagnosis lead to elongation of contact to stimuli or allergens that adversely influences the disease forecast in the medical and social plan. It is necessary to refer patients to specialized dermatological clinics as soon as possible.
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