The eczema of arms: this kind of eczema is also an atopic dermatitis, but feature that the skin of brushes is surprised. Occurrence of this kind of eczema explains long contact of a skin to washing-up liquids. In often winter sick of eczema of arms complain of the exacerbation of illness expressed in an excessive xeroderma, sometimes in reddening, skins hardening. In certain cases at eczema of arms at the patient feels itch, on a skin there are blisters. If on arms rings of a wide rim the skin under them first of all is surprised are worn.
Nodal eczema – at this kind of eczema on the inflamed sites of a skin appear round nodules of the small size. More often disease occurs at adult people.
Congestive dermatitis – as a rule, this kind of people who are sick of a varicose phlebectasia or in a case when the circulation of feet is broken suffer, as a result of a skin inflammation there is in the field of malleoluses, feet, calfs. At a congestive dermatitis there can be darkening or erubescences, an itch, puffiness, up to occurrence of ulcers.
Seborrhea dermatitis, it is also some classify as one of eczema kinds. It is possible to carry the raised fat content of a head skin, and also occurrence of signs of seborrhea dermatitis on a skin of red plaques which become covered by a crust of yellowish color.
For a long time eczema diseases changes depending on what of its subspecies is present, that is illness can last for some weeks (a contact dermatitis) or even some years.
Preventive actions:
To avoid a course of a disease, or its reduction, try not to subject your organism to contact of dry air, sharp temperatures, various rigid washing-up liquids, and also to those allergens and stimuli which are intolerable for your organism. For clothes it is better to choose natural tissues. And after visiting a shower or a bath “do not triturate” your skin trying to wipe it dry. Carefully blot a skin with a towel. After that use a moisturizing lotions or creams. Also in time address to the doctor to prevent or cure other diseases which can promote occurrence or eczema development.
First of all, it is necessary to prevent the further contact of an organism to stimuli or allergens which cause eczema development. After these measures were accepted, treatment consists in application of preparations of local action. Gels and the ointments made on basis special preparations first of all concern these preparations, characterized by obvious antiseptic action.
If you want to lower itch degree or in general to eliminate it, various ant allergic preparations, the so-called antihistamine is applied. Their structure includes such components as camphor, menthol. It is possible to use various “abirritating” lotions also.
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