Skin aging is difficult process. Only today, when the science could understand and explain many processes it is possible to assert with confidence that competent and timely use of techniques of cosmetology in a combination with a healthy way of life is capable if not to stop process of biological aging of a skin that, at least, to make its implications less expressed.
Scientists have proved that skin aging begins at once after puberty. In 35-50 years becomes more appreciable and lasts approximately till 60 years. Then there comes rather stable period.
There is no unequivocal opinion of what is aging, however already now is clear that it is caused by accumulation of defects, both in cells, and in intercellular structures.
The total result of these changes is that: reduction of number of cells supervising the immune answer (disturbance of local immunity of a skin, slow healing of wounds, occurrence of the centers of a boring); weakening of functioning sebaceous and sweat glands (deterioration of water-lipid balance of a skin); reduction of number of vascular capillaries (microcirculation disturbance), fibroblasts (weakening of synthesis of collagen of elastin), and melanocytes (sensitivity rising to an ultraviolet, photoageing); reduction of rate of cell fission of a basal layer (retardation of updating and a false skin thinning); depression of activity of the enzymes, leading to inhibition of all metabolic processes.
Aging major factors
First, it is genetically programmed changes affecting almost all layers of skin.
Secondly, depression of synthesis of hormones in an organism: the growth hormone, Testosterone Depotum, melatonin are developed in enough only to 20-year-old age, and they are irreplaceable for physical health and neogenesis of cells.
And, thirdly, the ultraviolet promotes formation of the free radicals negatively operating on structures of cells of a skin, changing mechanisms of cellular restoration.
The modern understanding of the reasons and mechanisms of aging of a skin allows uniting to methods of esthetic medicine in uniform Anti-age the program which includes:
Various kinds of peelings
Injection methods of correction of folds
Professional cosmetic programs
Apparatus techniques
Observation at the therapist, the gynecologist-endocrinologist
Principles Anti-age of therapy:
Competent combination of all listed all listed methods;
Rational sequence of their carrying out;
Individual selection after obligatory diagnostics of a skin.
Our council that you should definitely remember and take advantage of:
Anti-age Therapy should be spent under observation of the expert, be corrected in process of elimination (addition) of those or other age changes and never interrupt!
So let us say few words in a conclusion:
If you are planning to live till your 150 birthday so the preparation for it should begun already today, without dependence from that where you live and how old are you.
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