There is no absolutely pure skin. Inspect yourself attentively any way you will find out some marks on your skin necessarily: freckles, birthmarks, warts and so on. Dermal formations have turned for a long time to signs and promise whether long life or the unexpected blows, these marks something symbolizes to everyone. Exerts offer for everybody their own explanation and one advice is to leave them without changes, others to subject to immediate transformation.
Birthmarks arise in places of a clump of the cells developing a dark pigment melanin (in a Greek way “black”). Both the form of a nose or color of eyes, and a site or a kind of birthmarks is defined by genes.
In a life a small speck is a birthmark, big is also a birthmark. For medicine both that and another is a nevus. Our relations with birthmarks develop uneasy. Someone sees in them mysterious labels of destiny.
But also without mysticism of ambiguities with birthmarks mass: whether it is necessary to get rid of it what doesn’t suit with the external standards and a locating delicate taste? Will it harm your health if to make it?
At each of us on a body can be found to 20-25 birthmarks. Their absolute majority at overwhelming number of people peacefully and serenely coexist with “owners” all life. But any of them isn’t insured from a malignant degeneration. Arriving according to simple rules of three “always” and two “never”, you reduce risk to a minimum. Always attentively examine a skin to be convinced: appearance of birthmarks hasn’t changed.
Always sunbathe strictly with schedule — to 10 o’clock in the morning and after 16 pm, and don’t subject a birthmark to direct influence of sun rays.
Never touch birthmarks without need, don’t try something with them independently to make: don’t pull out hairs which grow from some birthmarks, don’t dress a thread to get rid of the objectionable. Always protect them from any, including most insignificant traumas. Therefore, for example, wash it only with a soft soap.
Never wear tie clothes if on a body there are birthmarks which can suffer from a friction.
And if it is inconvenient, because the birthmark has appeared “not in a right place”? With such birthmarks it is better to goodbye at once. Other reason to get rid of a birthmark is desire to improve the beauty. To be afraid that after excision on its place there will be a tumor, it is not necessary: if there is no birthmark there is no also a source for malignant growth. But to deal with any dermal formations the expert should only. Therefore at first it is necessary to pass preliminary examination at doctor. He will attentively study a birthmark under the special device and will give OK to operation. Without its permission to tamper with a birthmark is really dangerously!
No doubt that the way we look is very important for us. That’s why those who suffer from warts search for a treatment for it. It is of urgent impotance for those people who have warts on their genitals. Those who are experience the problem are invited to visit this genital warts treatment site – the proper spot on the Internet to obtain everything you need – over the counter treatment for genital warts and even more.
Currently researching the genital warts treatment issue is not that hard. With the help of Internet. It is very easy to choose the best proposition on the market. Just Google the keyword and do a quick reading on the sites and blogs.
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