Vitiligo is something opposite to birthmarks. The last are sites of adjournment of superfluous quantity of a pigment of melanin, and a vitiligo is pigment-free maculae. In them melanin isn’t present absolutely. If the vitiligo develops on a head skin under hair the locks growing from this site, it also will be decolorized as if gray-haired by sight.
To diagnose illness is simply as medical examination at the dermatologist will be enough. In all the rest it is a riddle. In what is the vitiligo reason? Sometimes specks are present since a birth; sometimes appear after the transferred dermal diseases, strong stress, and solar combustion, in risk group enter people who are suffering with diabetes, thyroid gland diseases.
Sometimes their number increases and sometimes they disappear itself. The illness develops in 70 % of cases aged till 20 years. Experts believe that men and women are ill equally often. But the women more disturbed by a cosmetic disadvantage, address to doctors more often. It isn’t present at a vitiligo and racial preferences. Simply at black light whitish maculae contrast with a healthy skin more considerably.
The sites of a skin deprived of a pigment which can be in the size and about a rice kernel, and about a cup collum, as a rule, settle down on face, brushes, and knees. Colorless specks for health don’t frame any problems, they aren’t infectious and aren’t transferred at immediate contact or through things, therefore for a long time vitiligo considered (and some and till now consider) only as cosmetic defect. However, for example, in Cuba it recently has entered in the list diseases with which it is impossible to be the donor of a blood.
The Cuban scientists led by professor Carlos Mijares Kao — the leading expert in the world on vitiligo studying has spent a series of experiments, entering an animal blood plasma of the people suffering with vitiligo. In 2-2,5 weeks at experimental mice and monkeys progress of loss of xanthopathy has begun. Probably, in a blood of people with disease signs there are the substances, capable to provoke focal disappearance of a pigment of melanin at a healthy organism? As the mechanism of development of a vitiligo is not clearly developed also as the methods of getting rid of them from it . For today 4 basic ways are offered:
COSMETIC. There is a set of agents (special voice-frequency creams, a make-up, masking pencils), allowing reliably to hide maculae.
MEDICAL. Corticosteroid preparations and local photo chemotherapy in certain cases help.
SURGICAL. If maculae small it is possible to resort to skin transplantation.
AUXILIARY. The positive effect sometimes comes at application of herbs (a duckweed marsh, a green walnut and other) corresponding homeopathic remedies and reception of complexes with vitamins A, C, Е, and minerals like copper, zinc, manganese.
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