Wart perhaps occurs more often than all dermal problems and the feeling of fastidiousness in associates is caused by warts. They are a synonym of untidiness, a mud, and dialogue with something dirty.
The reasons of warts occurrence:
The wart is such outgrowth on a skin, something like a small dermal tumor from 1-2 mm.
It is distinguished some kinds of warts:
* ordinary (dense nodules of 3-10 mm in diameter, painless, color coincides with color of a normal skin);
* plantar (remind a callositas from a fascicle of threadlike papillas, occur painfully);
* Papillomavirus of the person flat (fine nodules, almost don’t act over skin level);
* peaked condylomas (genital warts, peaked, color – from light to bright-pink);
* senile (aren’t bound to a virus occurs faster with age changes. These are flat plaques in the size 0,5 – 2 sm, the different form, gray or brown color).
The reason of occurrence of warts is the papilloma virus. It gets into a human body through skin microtraumas at an immediate touch to the carrier or to a subject which the carrier concerned 2-3 hours back (for example, a floor in the general shower in pool, hand-rail in public transport, toys in a kindergarten). Also the virus can be shown at those people whose feet strongly sweat.
When virus hit in an organism there can be never immediate disease – the virus can live in the latent form and to be shown only after a mental shock or against the general weakening of immune system. Or not to be shown at all. But even against weak immune system the virus won’t be shown earlier, than in 4-5 months.
Preventive maintenance:
First of all, doctors recommend observing elementary rules of personal hygiene. As appears from the above earlier, it is not necessary to go barefoot in places of the general using, especially wet – type of a shower, a locker room, pool; not to abuse such footwear, in which feet constantly sweat or at least to find possibility qualitatively to dry it; not to touch needlessly the another’s warts.
Also it is necessary to pay attention to the general state of health and, especially, immune system – to adhere to balanced eating and to conduct a healthy way of life.
It is not bad also to learn to be relaxed and avoid stresses – it gives you a warranty that you will get rid not only of possible occurrence of warts, but also from the whole bunch of possible diseases.
So now you know all the necessary information about the warts occurrence and you know exactly what to do to pass this problem easily and without any bad consequences for you health so jus be aware of it and remember the information give n for you above.
Nobody will object that appearance is very important for us. That’s why people who suffer from warts look for a treatment for it. It is of urgent impotance for those people who have warts on their sexual organs. Those who are experience the issue are welcomed to visit this genital warts treatment site – the right spot on the Internet to get everything you need – buy genital wart treatment and even more.
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