So let us find out in the series of articles what is wart, how it can be caught and transferred and finally we will also find out how to treat it. So let us begin now with this first part.
At any age the person can have on arms, theface a red border of labiums, especially to a mouth angle, nodules in the size to 1 centimeter in diameter. Nodules of grayish, gray-brown or corporal color, a dense consistence, considerably act over a skin surface. On large, it is long an existing nodule there can be papillary growths with a keratinization on a surface. These are simple warts.
Children and young men have flat youthful warts more often. These are nodules from a flat skin slightly acting over level a surface. On color they not always differ from a normal skin, but can have a brownish or pinkish shade. Appear more often on the face and a dorsum of brushes.
Warts arise more often on pressure places. Plantar warts to some extent disturb to walking.
The originator of warts is some types of human papiloma virus (HPV) .
Treatment: the good therapeutic effect is given by cryotherapy, an electro coagulation. Medical action can render and antiviral ointments.
The American public considers that warts represent no more than fine trouble. Nevertheless, there exists small probability that some types of warts (for example, genital warts) are harbingers of lethal diseases. Moreover, warts can be treated taking into account many modalities. Last data testifies that some kinds of therapy which were traditionally considered effective now deserve revision.
Etiology of warts:
Virus by its nature warts can cause due to the human human papilloma virus-HPV. There are more than 100 subtypes of HPV, each of which differs with a structure of a body and a potential tendency to greater health harm and risk.
Prevalence of warts
Approximately 10 % of children and teenagers at least once had warts or close contact to warts. Approximately at 22 % of children will be close contacts to warts at children’s age.
In general, warts can be observed at everything, but there are epidemiological features. There are groups of patients usually more subject to warts. The greatest risk is at the age from 9 to 16 years. Maximum age from 14.5 years for male and 13 years for women. Risk as regards genital warts is highest at sexily active persons. People, who work with fresh meat, most often suffer with warts of butchers. In spite of the fact that HPV it is not found out in tissues of animals, it is supposed that warts at butchers can cause professional traumas in a combination to frigorisms and work in wet conditions.
Nobody will object that the way we look is very important for us. And this is the main reason why people who suffer from warts look for a treatment for it. It is especially important for those people who have warts on their genitals. Those who are facing the issue are invited to go to this genital warts treatment site – the right spot on the Internet to find everything you need – natural treatment for genital warts and even more.
These days researching the genital warts treatment topic is not that hard. With the help of Internet. It is very easy to choose the best proposition on the market. Just Google the keyword and do a quick reading on the sites and blogs.
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