Before appointment of external medical course it is necessary to examine the patient disease history and his case history to find out their efficiency and shipping in the past.
Important stage of appointment of external treatment is the choice of the medicinal on which depends: 1) from character of pathological changes of a skin (an acute, sub acute or chronic inflammation; an ecdysis, infiltrations and etc.); 2) from localization of the center of a lesion (a pilar part of a head, a body cord, genitals, etc.); 3) from prevalence of pathological process. External medicinal forms render therapeutic effect the physical properties; allow to apply pharmacological agents in different concentration and to influence pathological processes on various depth of a skin.
Following stage is the choice of a pharmacological agent which is necessary for entering into this or that medicinal form. The doctor is obliged to know pharmacological properties of dermatological agents; it is expedient to use rather a small amount of already approved agents taking into account all indications and contraindications.
Treatment of skin diseases should be continued to a total disappearance of all symptoms of illness and skin homing in a normal state. To avoid possible relapse having finished treatment it is necessary to make to the patient corresponding references about hygiene of a skin and a general regime.
For external treatment of skin diseases use solutions of various pharmacological agents in water, alcohol, oil. Action of aqueous solutions is defined by way of their application (a lotion, bandages, warming compresses). Lotions and moisture bandages use at the acute and sub acute inflammatory processes.
At appointment of lotions to the amazed site of a skin impose the piece of gauze combined in 4–5 layers or other tissue moistened in the cooled solution. In process of lotion warming (through 10–15 mines) it again moistens. Such procedure continue for 1–1,5 hour then do a break on 1–3 hour.
For moist bandages use the gauze combined in 4–6 layers with which moisten in the cooled solution, wring out and impose on the amazed site of a skin. Then a gauze cover with a thin layer of a purified cotton and bandage. A bandage is changed after almost full drying, usually through 3–4 hour.
Warming up compresses operate on a skin with wet heat and are applied at treatment of chronic inflammatory processes to the permission of infiltrates and an exsudate suction. In these cases moistened in a warm solution some layers of a gauze impose on a site of a lesion of a skin, cover with an oilcloth, then a thick layer of gray cotton wool and bandage. In the form of spirituous solutions use disinfectant and antipruritic agents for greasing and wiping of the amazed skin.
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