Trip Prep: Setting – Film by NeuroSoup Trip Guide Free E-Book
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Trip Prep: Setting – Film by NeuroSoup Trip Guide Free E-Book
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electronicmilkman says
i love you. just kidding. all these love comments are creepy.
EcstaticRaver says
Car Rides on acid at night is one of the most badass expeirnces Mushrooms do them around 3 pm so they kick in before sun down I suggest u take 5-6grams(just do it lol) then go out to the woods( I mean the woods woods) go to one that has a river in it and just walk around all day and night with flashlights and stuff it will be amazing
Ecstasy its nice to have a house with alot of loud music glowsticks blacklights etc
or u can just tripp at ur house where u are most comfortable
EcstaticRaver says
dude more people die on pharmecudical drugs every year then any other drugs but alcohal also most medical drugs are worse for u then illegal drugs
c0wnbread says
searchn4mytruth says
What is LSD?
TokenDrone says
TokenDrone says
Not all illegal drugs, but your point was made.
EcstaticRaver says
LSD is one of the most potent hellucigenic drugs
its not acid btw
huliogomez says
youre an idiot if you take 6 grams of mushrooms youll die
dilledilledilledille says
uhmm.. i once took about 10 grams… that was fun =D and once 12 grams… that was even more fun xD im wondering what will happen with 20 grams..? ow yeah,, and your statement that youll die of 6.. i doubt it, looking back to my experiences with it =) do you have experience of people who died after taking 6 grams? mhh probably not.. not quite sure how you got the idea you would die.. but a lot of people know very little about drugs so its a start and someone has to tell you =D
dilledilledilledille says
how can you not know what LSD is =O and a nickname for it is acid, so it is acid.. well the nickname is xD and LSD stands for lysergic acid diëthylamine (well the real name is in swiss..dont know that haha)…so it probably is some kind of an acid!
EcstaticRaver says
ive taken 7 grams
it was intense as hell but 20 grams u will probally have aheart attack
huskerman26 says
hi, i just tried the 10x 1 hit out of bowl and as soon as i blew it out i was smashed but i packed it damn near ful and took a big hit and held it in 4 about 20 secs and was in a 12 minute hole b4 i started comin back, my question is did i do to much because at first it kinda scared me so could a tiny little puff give a mild effect til i get used to it?
monnie110 says
You can’t compare the tow like that. Their are literally thoughsands and thoughsands of medications. Plus something doesn’t have to kill you to be bad for you. My comment is legit and now no one can see it because of 6 thumbs down. This girl is a hypocit but all the acid heads love her because she promotes it. If they were one of the people like me who depend on those pharmaceutical drugs then they wouldn’t be so happy.
monnie110 says
Her video against pharmaceuticals is flawed. It promotes misinformation. She compares and states street level drugs are the same as pharmaceutical counterparts which should be banned. Do you believe that EcstaticRaver? BTW I know a lot about drugs. I was a dealers many years ago at raves. Acid, X, and more. I read books on synthesis as well as pharms, studied psychology for years.
Acid is ok for some but for others makes them freak out insane. Any acidhead knows this. IT IS NOT 4 EVERYONE!
huliogomez says
no joke man i know a dude who took 6 gs outside and got hit by a car
im not talking about hard attacks man
EcstaticRaver says
right i almost got hit by a car on shrooms
too needs to be in a controlled inviroment no joke at all
Jambonegrosso says
You’ll only die if you’re an ignorant faggot who disrespects these substances. Anyway, what happened to the heroic dose? The most efficient way of taking these substances. I’m not saying you should eat 5g of dried shrooms every time, but still, if you’re seriously considering focusing your attention on psychedelics, you need at least one harsh as fuck trip to experience it all properly.
or else go away.
Jambonegrosso says
you sir are and idiot
EcstaticRaver says
wow wtf
wats dat for?
oldpat420 says
envisionary333 says
Great video as usual. I remember one trip where I wore a fuzzy shirt and it literally drove me crazy- it was like a furry creature to me! : P
There is one more VERY important consideration though… MUSIC!!! I often spend weeks in advance before a big journey creating the perfect playlist on my iPod. Plus, if things go bad I know I can make anything better with the right song!
brujonagual says
i want that tshirt
sonnyboy209 says
me too! 🙂
rabbitspliff says
lol. we got a trip sitter. he can’t trip cuz his gf totally lost it and got pissed off and scared of the thought of her bf takin drugs. and he submitted to her pleas. meh, all the more for us. sally’s expensive.