In the event that you are sexily active and on your body parts the genital wart has developed, you should search the help at the doctor as disease, sexually transmitted is bound to a cancer of a neck of a uterus.
Results review has important consequences for pharmacy. The question of efficiency of many kinds of treatment prescribed by the doctor confirms efficiency of Acidumsalicylic, a variant of treatment which can be applied under the reference of the pharmacist. It is a rare occurrence when not prescription preparation finds such wraparound support by scientific proofs. The received results show that the moderate pain the cryotherapy associated with the prescribed doctor can be avoided, as this method of treatment doesn’t surpass Acidumsalicylic. Moreover, the intriguing problem rises.
At cryotherapy prescribed is the use of liquid nitrogen with temperature 321°F. Some warts demand not less than four wide applications of liquid nitrogen. Duration of this process makes more than two months. The house equipments to cryotherapyappliesan Aether (dimethyl ether) which differs with more high temperature, than liquid nitrogen.
If the doctor applies cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, it doesn’t mean at all that liquid nitrogen doesn’t show advantages in comparison with Acidumsalicylic and it means that applied in house conditions nitrogen, essentially is worse than Acidumsalicylic. Until then while these problems won’t be resolved, pharmacists can advise house treatment of warts by Acidumsalicylic if it isn’t contraindicative.
The analysis of efficiency of cryotherapy which seldom answers the selected criteria has shown that this method of treatment surpassed Acidum salicylic and a sticky tape, considering a case rate bound to cryotherapy. The moderate or uncertain activity of topical application of bleomycin, 5-fluorouracil and photodynamic therapy became perceptible. Considering potential danger and toxicity of this therapy, its application should be overestimated. The topical contact sensitinogendinitrochlorobenzene has shown efficiency proofs, but not surpassing Acidum salicylic which is safer.
How should be applied traditional medical products that can be used in house conditions to treat warts? Indicating for application of these preparations is simple enough. You shouldn’t apply them if you suffer diabetes or circulatory disturbances. Products shouldn’t be applied on an angry skin or on reddened or the infected sites, and as on warts located in the field of the face and mucous membranes on freckles and birthmarks or on warts with grown hair.
They should be applied when having usual warts. You should wash up at first area, to wet a wart in warm water within five minutes and completely to dry up area. In the event that a product liquid, apply it twice a day with the help of applicator, you should be convinced that the entire wart is covered. If the product represents a sticky bandage, place it on a wart and leave there, replacing each 48 hours. Both types of products are applied before excision of warts and before the efflux of 12 weeks.
Nobody will object that appearance is very important for us. That’s why those who suffer from warts look for a treatment for it. It is especially important for those people who have warts on their genitals. Those who are experience the issue are welcomed to check out this genital warts treatment site – the right spot on the Internet to get everything you need – natural treatment for genital warts and even more.
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