Homeopathic therapy: On my private experience of treatment of people from warts I saw that first half of that period when the first preparation has been picked up it operates very well. The patient says that warts, apparently, have absolutely disappeared in 2-4 weeks after preparation reception. Other patients at all didn’t have any reaction. This subgroup, somewhere about 20 % have reported that the subsequent treatment what or other illness, has led to “spontaneous” disappearance of warts, probably, this reminder that in homeopathy we should consider all patients, instead of its part.
Month or two later after my visit to this doctor, my daughter was ill with flu. She was ill not as strongly as all other family, but at it were a fever, convulsive tussis, pallor, strong thirst and delicacy. Emotional shift was the most surprising moment of its illness. The usual emotional condition of my daughter can be described as not suppressed enthusiasm to dialogue with other people. She very much likes to talk, play and loves people. During illness she became very lovely, spending all energy for care of the sick parents. Shift in behavior and strong physical symptoms specified Phosphorus in a preparation. After one dose almost all symptoms have passed in 12 hours.
In some days all characteristic features of behavior of my daughter have returned, but they were too sharp, unbalanced. The dose of Medorrinuma 30С has returned it balance. Every other day or two I have noticed that the wart on its lower lip has disappeared. I have thought that it is interesting, but anything especially doesn’t change. When all warts began to disappear a week later, I have understood that we have encountered correct treatment. In three weeks all warts have completely disappeared. The small scar on a thumb where the wart has been removed was a unique reminder on them.
I am not assured that Phosphorus or Medorrinum stimulated treatment as them accepted almost simultaneously. Phosphorus is seldom used for treatment of warts, but carries out function of the general indicator at their treatment. Not in view of an active preparation, result has been reached. The homeopathy has cured softly, completely and for a long time. I don’t believe that sometime I will become the witness of a similar miracle.
Treatment of warts in addition demands patience. The choice of a suitable preparation should be based on character of warts together with human nature in which they are found out. The general shortage of symptoms at treatment of warts reflects relative indifference of vivifying force of an organism to their presence. The acute disease stimulates the general reaction of entire organism. The homeopathic preparations accepted during this illness, can not only restore balance of forces, but also stimulate deeper process of treatment of chronic diseases.
No doubt that appearance is very important for all the people. And this is the main reason why people who suffer from warts try to find a treatment for it. It is of urgent impotance for those people who have warts on their genitals. Those who are experience the issue are welcomed to visit this genital warts treatment site – the right spot on the Internet to find everything you need – buy genital wart treatment and even more.
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