Nonconventional and national methods of treatment:
1. To grease warts with juice of fresh acidic apples. Warts will pass in 10 days.
2. To grease warts 2-3 times a day with fresh juice of an onion.
3. To boil in Acetum bulb together with a peel and settle and rub with this infusion of a wart.
4. To mix 100 grams of garlic meals with 100 grams of butter or fat and to grease warts.
5. To rub a crude potato together with a peel. To put mass on a compresseal paper and to adhere to those places where there are warts. Warts will disappear in 5-6 days.
6. To put to warts 2-3 times a day an admixture of Acetum with wood ashes.
7. To cut a garlic lobe half-and-half. With the cut off party to rub warts 3-4 times a day. Warts will pass in 3-4 days.
8. A wart to moisten and rub with ammoniac. Procedure to make daily to their total disappearance.
9. To crush, sift and admix it with Vaseline and grass. 10. To admix honey with hempy oil in the ratio 1:4. To grease warts 3-4 times a day.
11. To admix juice of roots of a dandelion with butter in the ratio 1:4. To oil it warts 2-3 times a day.
12. To grease warts located on a sole of feet with oil from seeds of flax ordinary.
13. To pound fetuses of a mountain ash ordinary and in the form of a cold compress to put to warts.
Traditional methods of treatment:
From traditional methods, the doctor can offer a diathermocoagulation, freezing by liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy) and every possible greasing.
Also as an agent from warts it is possible to try preparations of Acidum salicylic which can be in the form of a liquid or lotions. These preparations have low cost, than such medical methods as the electricity, a surgical intervention, the laser or freezing, also are safe at application and can be on sale for use in house conditions.
And the most important thing that, according to last researches, they can be as effective as well as medical methods like freezing.
BUT! Acidum salicylic products shouldn’t be applied on an angry skin, and also they it is not supposed for treatment of warts which are located in the field of the person and mucous membranes (for example, in a nasal cavity or a mouth, a fundament, genitals and labiums). Hit of these preparations on freckles, birthmarks or on warts with the grown hair besides, should be excluded.
Remember, Acidum salicylic preparations are intended and should be applied to treatment only usual or plantar warts!
But it is better to consult nevertheless with experts.
No doubt that the way we look is very important for all the people. And this is the main reason why people who suffer from warts try to find a treatment for it. It is of urgent impotance for those people who have warts on their sexual organs. Those who are experience the problem are welcomed to visit this genital warts treatment site – the very place on the Internet to obtain everything you need – over the counter treatment for genital warts and even more.
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