Wart kinds:
There are different kinds and types of the viruses causing occurrence of warts:
The most widespread is the virus because of which on the body of the patient there are the most “ordinary” warts – they are of a good-quality. Their diameter usually doesn’t exceed one centimeter, such wart represents dense enough tumor at which is a clear boundary, its surface is rough.
The form of a similar wart in most cases roundish, but there are also warts of the wrong form. Color of warts of this type can be yellow, light gray, dark gray or brown. Often enough warts of the given kind are localized in those places on a body of the person which are constantly injured. The most “popular” places for occurrence of warts are elbows, fingers, knees, and a head (in that area where hair grow). However, the similar wart can arise on any part of a body.
Plantar warts arise on such injured place, as feet of the person. Because of constant pressure they become flat and as a result are surrounded with the keratosic top layers of a skin. The touch to such wart can be rather painful. If you doubt that at you has arisen wart or a callositas it is possible to carry out the simple test: cut off a formation apex. If it is a wart should act a very fine droplets of a blood.
Threadlike warts. The given kind of warts is characterized by the unusual form – these warts are long enough and narrow. Warts of the given type tend to be formed on the person, labiums, centuries and a neck.
Flat warts are smooth enough on touch, flat nodules of brown color. Basically such warts are localized on the face. Arise at small children more often.
There are also other warts of the most unusual forms, for example, the warts similar to a cauliflower. Such warts meet on a neck and a head of people more often, especially frequent skin which is under hair on a head suffers from such warts.
There is the special kind of warts named peaked condylomas. The basic place of their localization is warm and wet surfaces of a body of the person. Namely, it is external genitals of women and men. The given warts look, as small wet and soft blisters, color – shades pink. These warts have constant gravitation to growth, and during growth the basis can take the form of a thin leg.
Diagnostics of warts
Diagnostics of warts in most cases doesn’t cause special difficulties. Diagnostics of any kind of warts first of all is made by a method of a visual estimation.
Simple warts at a larger part of patients disappear spontaneously within two years after neoplasm occurrence. If the wart at you doesn’t disappear or there are other reasons for its excision the basic methods of painless elimination of warts are more low listed:
* Cryotherapy
* Chemotherapy
* Laser therapy
Nobody will object that the way we look is very important for us. And this is the main reason why people who suffer from warts try to find a treatment for it. It is especially important for those people who have warts on their genitals. Those who are facing the problem are welcomed to visit this genital warts treatment site – the proper place on the Internet to get everything you need – buy genital wart treatment and even more.
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