Certainly, any wart is unpleasant especially in a prominent place, for example, a papilloma which hangs on centuries or a chin… The virus parentage of papillomas among which is very dangerous is already proved. At women they quite often provoke a cancer of a neck of uterus. About it we also will talk today with managing advisory unit of the state center of preventive medicine, the gynecologist of the highest category. And he will answer to all the questions about papilloma virus infecrion.
So is it true that, usually, widespread enough warts are a consequence of a virus infection?
– Yes, such good-quality neoplasms of a skin as warts cause a virus of a papilloma, usually affect an organism with the weakened immune system. These light gray, dark gray or yellowish formations are familiar with a rough surface with the small size. They appear in those places which are most subject to various traumas more often: on fingers, elbows, knees, a pillar part of a head. There are still plantar warts. Besides warts, papillomas and peaked condylomas are rather extended.
Which warts call papillomas?
It is soft good-quality formations of the roundish form, corporal or light brown color which can hang on a leg or settle down on the wide basis. They can be found out on a neck, face, in axillary hollows or in inguinal area.
Are they infectious?
– Yes, many warts, and in particular papillomas are transferred by contact-household way. The provoking factor here is the raised humidity. For example, infection can occur at pool or beach visiting. And here peaked condylomas are transferred, as a rule, by a sexual way. At the pregnant woman infection of the newborn at its passage on patrimonial ways is possible.
Peaked condylomas:
What is the peaked condylomas?
It is small foramtionon a skin of the person of corporal color in the form of individual or plural papillas. Sometimes they remind a cauliflower. Their occurrence is bound to immunity weakening. These formations on mucous, more often are localized in the field of genitals and round an anus or (less often) in a mouth, in a throat. At womenit can occur on mucous vaginas, a vulva, and a clitoris and at men on a balanus, an internal leaf of a prepuce. That is those places which are injured at sexual contact. The microtrauma (any graze, a crack) on a skin and mucosas is a condition for their development.
Are they appearing on a skin right after infections?
– From the moment of infection before occurrence of peaked condylomas can pass from several weeks till 9 months (usually 1-3 months). Outwardly condylomas aren’t so appreciable and HPV infection proceeds asymptomatically, they are found out casually to the touch. Many don’t pay attention to the appeared roughnesses, however it is necessary to know that mucous external genitals should be absolutely equal. Therefore any formation in the field of genitals is an occasion to visit to the doctor.
No doubt that the way we look is very important for us. That’s why those who suffer from warts try to find a treatment for it. It is especially critical for those people who have warts on their sexual organs. Those who are experience the problem are invited to check out this genital warts treatment site – the right spot on the Internet to obtain everything you need – buy genital wart treatment and even more.
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