Is there a danger of these papilloma formations?
– From more than 100 known versions of HPV nearby 40 infect genitourinary system and 15 from them frame the raised risk of a cancer disease of a neck of a uterus. Still in the mid-seventies the last century the scientist from the German center of cancer research has found out that the women, necks of a uterus suffering by a cancer, in 100 % of cases are infected by a papilloma virus. He has assumed that development of a cancer results from infection with certain types of a virus of a papilloma that has appeared a correct conclusion.
This opening has played a huge role in struggle against the originator which is taking away millions of lives. And this scientist has been awarded with the Nobel Prize on medicine.
Early diagnostics – salvage from a cancer:
Really is there no protection against a cancer?! After all it is known that the majority of people are carriers of HPV.
– According to the statistic, the number of cases of a cancer of neck of uterus reaches 14,9 thousand on 100 thousand women of genital age. And, as it is regrettable, half from the diseased doesn’t manage to be salvaged because of the late reference behind medical aid. Therefore gynecologists urgently recommend: after the beginning of sexual life each woman should pass annual gynecologic surveys. They allow finding out in time occurrence of erosion, a dysplasia, a leukoplakia and other dangerous formations on a neck of a uterus, a mucous vulva and a vagina.
Erosion of a neck of a uterus is widespread enough phenomenon. Earlier doctors suggested it to cauterize …
– Erosion is considered as precancerous disease; therefore the doctor refers at once the patient on cauterization (an electro coagulation of tissues).
By the way, today erosion treatment was simplified and became less painful so women shouldn’t worry at all when the doctor suggests it to eliminate.
The invisible enemy
– If such viruses (types 16 concern the dangerous or 18) on a mucosa of a neck of a uterus there are atypical cells, erosions and dysplasias, unfortunately, have got to sexual ways of the woman. It doesn’t cause unpleasant sensations. Patients don’t notice it, and it expands. Moreover, formation in general can disappear in an epithelium (a dermal layer). Thus the uterus neck is by sight absolutely healthy. And no gynecologic mirrors will show caused by a virus, painless for the time being erosion of tissues – a germ of malignant formation.
How doctors notice such changes?
– Today we have considerably changed demands to quality of gynecologic survey: even if a uterus neck outwardly pure, special receptions of inspection are applied. We attentively examine a neck under a special microscope. This technique is called as a colposcopy. It allows noticing a lesion of a mucosa invisible to an eye, but only from its external party. To tap, whether viruses on other sites of a neck of a uterus disappear simultaneously with that we take a part of its tissue from its channels. It is the advanced and objective laboratory method of recognition of originators of virus infections.
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