Warts (papillomas, condylomas) are causes by a special virus – a papilloma virus.
Implications of this illness are similar to warts. On mucous genitals and adjoining sites of a skin there are warty growths of light pink or intensively red color. These growths are quickly enlarged in sizes and in quantity, gradually taking a cauliflower form, or remain flat, hardly noticeable.
Peaked condylomas are genital warts (papilloma) are transferred by a sexual way – good-quality growths of a false skin and a subject papillary layer of a derma are rather widespread infectious disease.
Papilloma virus is DNA-containing viruses from family (Papova viruses) of group Papillomavirus (HPV). It is known about 50 representatives of human papilloma virus from which types 16, 18, 31, 33 and 35 associate with development of a cancer of a neck of a uterus, therefore they are surveyed as factors of the raised risk of development of a cancer (so-called a virus of a papilloma of the person and of a high risk are such types as 6, 11, 39 and 56 – with formation of warts on a genitals.
Different types of a virus of a papilloma of the person induce development of various warts formations:
The type of a virus of a papilloma 1 and 4 causes plantar warts:
Type 2 – warts on arms
Type 7 – so-called «papillomas of butchers»
Type 6, 11 – peaked condylomas (genital warts transferred by a sexual way) and larynx papillomas
Type 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 – flat warts and a warty epidermodysplasia
Type (16 and 18) and to a lesser degree 31, 33 and 35 are found out mainly at a dysplasia and a cancer of a neck of a uterus. Viruses of this group cause both good-quality, and malignant tumors.
Besides, some good-quality tumors can regenerate in the malignant.
The virus of a papilloma of the person is extended everywhere. Among diseases of a skin which are caused by a virus of a papilloma of the person, three are extended especially widely: simple warts, plantar warts and flat warts.
Papillomas meet not only on a skin, but also on a mucosa of an oral cavity, a nose, adnexal sinuses of a nose, a throat, vocal chords, ureters, a bladder.
It is transferred by a contact way from people or the animals those who are suffering with its disease and also at contact to a virus carrier which does not have clinical implications of illness. Intensive reproduction of HPV occurs in skin blankets.
Other kind of diffusion of an infection is an autoinoculation (autoinfection). For example, warts on nail areas become perceptible basically at the people, accustomed to bite fingernails. And occurrence of flat warts on cheeks, a chin and anticnemions can be caused by shaving, a depilation, cosmetic piling.
As “collars” for virus penetration skin micro traumas serve. The person can get infected in pools, baths, and sports halls. The people occupied with cutting of meat, fish and a bird, often suffer with warts in the field of a brush and a forearm.
Nobody will object that the way we look is very important for us. That’s why people who suffer from warts look for a treatment for it. It is especially critical for those people who have warts on their genitals. Those who are experience the issue are invited to go to this genital warts treatment site – the proper place on the Internet to get everything you need – buy genital wart treatment and even more.
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