What is wart and how to treat it?
Warts are the skin disease for which is characteristic small formations of not inflammatory character. Warts represent skin tumors in size from a pin head (1-2 mm) to 1 sm and more.
Why there are warts?
Warts are caused by viruses (group of human papilloma viruses). The papilloma-virus causing warts are transferred directly at contact to other patient or through any subjects of the general using. The incubatory period at this infection makes some months.
Distinguish some kinds of warts.
Ordinary warts are dense painless small knots of the roundish form (3-10 mm in diameter) with a rough surface. They settle down on back of brushes, fingers, face,and a hairy part of a head.
On feet there are so-called plantar warts. They are usually painful and consist of bunches of the threadlike nipples surrounded with the platen from powerful horn stratifications, reminding a callosity. Occurrence of plantar warts is promoted by constant pressure and friction footwear.
Flat (youthful) warts are small (0,5-3 mm) small knots of color of a normal skin or yellowish, roundish or polygonal with smooth hard surface, skin hardly acting over level. They occur usually on the face and back of brushes. These wart are more often observed at persons of young age, especially at schoolboys.
Other kinds of warts are peaked condylomas (papillomas). But it is already another story altogether. To the treatment of such warts are engaged urologists and gynecologists.
The diagnosis of warts is based on a clinical picture. Warts can hide behind a mask of other illnesses of a skin so not always you may distinguish them. For example, plantar warts need to be distinguished from a callosity, and peaked warts from wide condylomas.
If you are assured that it is wart. We can help!
In general, new growths on a skin are a serious thing. Not all of them are warts. The main thing is not to accept for a wart a skin tumor. On the other hand, warts are capable to regeneration in a tumor. Though warts are much extended, it is independently possible to diagnose not always.
Also you can refer to some professionals cosmetic clinics; they can help you for sure. In clinics they have the newest method of diagnostics and it is accessible to you: video dermatoscopia. With its help it is possible to receive strongly increased image of any formations on a skin, to receive the accurate information about occurring of changes in the given site of a skin. It is especially valuable in diagnostics of tumors and skin new growths.
This video method is very new and is accessible in very few dermatological clinics of the world.
Nobody will object that the way we look is very important for all the people. That’s why people who suffer from warts try to find a treatment for it. It is especially critical for those people who have warts on their sexual organs. Those who are facing the problem are invited to visit this genital warts treatment site – the right place on the Internet to get everything you need – buy genital wart treatment and even more.
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