This video (Episode 1) explains the signs and symptoms bipolar disorder (manic depression). If you suspect that you, or someone you know may be bipolar then you should watch this video. You will learn the common signs and symptoms of this mental illness. More info at:
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Trinder3467 says
@houstonellsworth1 I for one don’t believe in depression. Just as I don’t believe in God or any other super natural made up creatures. Depression is one of them. Because if your cat dies and you feel sad for a period of time-that’s okay. Because whoever feels good after that-is a psycho. Take life as it is. Focus on the practical things in life and you’ll be all right. That’s it.
CreepingDeathable says
it can be treated bull shit, takes years sometimes to get shit even close to livable, by then u have already screwed your life up… FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reachoutfilms says
@tombaldy I agree. Thanks for being straight up about this topic. Check out our video about a young person describes her personal experience with receiving a diagnosis of bi-polar disorder nFiGVvnt7QI at reachoutfilms and
ltsgoyanks says
Depression is a supernatural creature? HAHA. I applaud your candidness about not believing in God or anything supernatural. Let me be candid: you are not smart. Do you believe in Happiness? or is that the “supernatural”? Do you believe in parisites and bacteria? or is this too the supernatural. If someone had parasites in their blood or had renal failure and needed dialysis.. are the part of the supernatural? Lack of insulin is no different then the lack of dopamine in the brain. Medical issue.
mehlyssa says
well said @itsgoyanks
Silently waiting
for Him to strike again
So when the hand hits my face
I can scream again
Scream, and maybe even cry
Just so I can sleep again
Until then, I wait
Listening to the clock tick
Until it melts, with my brain
And maybe after I’ve broken some bones
My mind will be calm again.
Mattorzo says
sometimes im very down, scared, afraid of the wordl and people and things. and sometimes im happy and outgoing and not afraid. it makes no sense. mostly im the first though. it sucks like hell
sethnuva says
@mparker18311 good advice and im sure it works. but speakingas a person who has dealt with this issue i can tell you that exercise is the last thing you want to do. when you can barely get the energy to get out of bed it’s really hard to make yourself go
ccdanro says
bullshit! all people have shifting moods!.these crooks called psychiatrists try to “transform” all socially unwanted human behavior into a “mental illness/”disorder”/etc, there’s absolutely no real science in all psychiatry, each and every “illness” is not “discovered” but voted into existence… also, drugs don’t treat anything, they just change the mood so that the so called symptoms no longer appear, but this could be applied to “treat” anything(like protesting against FGMutilation in africa)
gchris1000 says
Isn’t it interesting how people decide what the correct way to be is for eachother when obviously there is no way to really know for sure what real even is!
If you think something is a disorder then it may just be your disorder to understand everything that is. I would guess that most people act this way from fear tramas etc. But lets all not forget that is is just that an act.
ghostofchat77 says
Thank you Emile Kraepelin, for telling us about the different psychiatric disorder.
Ladiestreat says
If I go from a period of getting many boners (erections) to not get many boners and being bummed out is that a sign of being bi-polar.
thefiveofjokers says
im just using the excuse that i have bipolar excuse to make up for my weird personality
yomama111336 says
@Ladiestreat thats just your harmones.
MCDrewskiLove says
@ccdanro STFU you’re a tard. You don’t know wtf you are talking about. It’s a real thing. Psychiatrists aren’t crooks, but people who know people and the mind.
ccdanro says
YOU don’t know what you’re talking about! real things are scientifically verifiable! “mental” illnesses aren’t! in case you don’t get it yet, it’s not about the behaviors but about their status as mental illnesses… that is, there’s absolutely no evidence that the behaviors considered mental illnesses are real diseases… they’re being made up by a bunch of retards, for another bunch of retards, uneducated enough to believe such things…
DanTheCuntNugget says
@ccdanro If they arnt proven and everything, it doesn’t matter because some people like to believe somethings wrong with them so they can feel special and think they know why they are different, so it doesn’t matter if it’s real or not, those people need it to know, or to think they know.
conjurer0 says
Hmm. I feel happy some times, but mostly depressed.. Idk.
Angelhaven95 says
Get help? From whom when you don’t have medical insurance?
MissPandora1967 says
At 1.12 you say that we have periods of “normal mood inbetween”..not sure if you have BP yourself? but my experience +every other person who has it actually has “normal mood” with periods of hypomania+depression IN BETWEEN,,got that wrong..also whats with the word”disease” what disease? put my brain through a CAT scan it may be quicker than other ppl’s signs of disease?NON I’ll give you the number of my psych gladly who will challenge your “disease” personally I’m highly
MissPandora1967 says
@ccdanro thank you my friend please see my comment above,at last someone isn’t whining about “I am bi-polar”.personally my name is Sophie I have NO disease in my brain,i do have a disease however in my spine.i was put through a full body cat scan 3x this yr,including brain activity,ws put through too whilst fairly “high” lack of sleep does it. my brain was NORMAL this guy is a jerk,puts fear in ppl’s head,tell you what tho’ if ppl around us stopped stressing us out,we’d be ok ,take care Sophie
daftmastercheifpunk says
it sucks dude,imagine feeling like worthless shit for 3 months,then bugs bunny on crack for the other 3.Back and forth evry year.
DesertSmeagle says
hmmm im depressed but i dnt think im bipolar…i sometimes have these flashes of happiness for about 10 seconds every now and then…just got of cymbalta and now it seems thaat i have nuthin to look forward to or live not suicudal just depressed…and once like every month i get a few i guess mania flashes for like 5-10 seconds..i have social anxiety. why do i get these flashes evry month or two? for like a day
MRAK47ification says
my dad has bipolar for fuck sake its so fucking life wrecking omg i wish he never had it i just want too say to anyone if youve got a dad make sure you appretiate him and just pray non of your family ever get it.
1dvsmind says
Just got out of the psych ward been lock down for 30 days. Just lost everything! Its really a hard battle. But my wife stuck with me. everything else went down hill. I feel for anyone who has this.