Guest: Dr. Adam. Symptoms of depression and what to do about it. add me: submit your question at please visit http music by:
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By mau 25 Comments Guest: Dr. Adam. Symptoms of depression and what to do about it. add me: submit your question at please visit http music by:
Depressive Episode Coming On ? Here’s How To Fight Depressive episode refers to a period of time in which an individual experiences persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in activities that they once enjoyed. During a depressive episode, a person may also experience changes in their appetite, sleep patterns, […]
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probounderxxx says
what if u have no trust with anyone ?? after this video I realised I had all those symthomps…
I still think im not depressed but watching this made me realise I might be depressed but im not…or yes or ….well right now I have like 40 hours of college per week and spend around 12-15 hours per day on the computer doing 3d projects and I can barely sleep and stuff…and I started to have a eating prob bec im eating like once per day bec im a hurry doing my homework
johnnydemonic1313 says
this girl is wonderful.she needs to think about writing a book one day on all the great advice she gives out to the world.2 thumbs up!
Futumch says
If Vanae were just posting vids about health awareness, I might be inclinced to agree. But V goes out and coaches people, has an open line for advice (within America, dammit), and clearly practices what she preaches. (keep it up!)
So, you know – gotta give the woman props. Even if her “mhm”s and nods in this vid are *definitely* cliché. Grin-worthy, though 🙂
th3inquisitiv31 says
my comment was only in regards to the typical advice given for/ about depression and wasn’t necessarily a comment about Vanae herself.
And I know Vanae is the shit, that’s why I subscribed. . . .
FeelSweet7 says
wow.. i like when you say get into hobbies ..but why are there only 110 ratings?? is there something broken on youtube? ^^
MrPinoy91 says
:DD VAnae! For those who feel depressed they should look up TD jakes and Joel Osteen.
really great people who help me cast down depression.
Futumch says
Fair enough.
I have to sympathise with the good doctor as well, though. When you’ve read the DSM-IV (the cookbook of symptoms he’s using) and case studies about depression treatments, you realise that there is very little non-cliched advice that can be given to *all* people with depression. I thought the exercise angle was kind of fresh, actually.
buzzy0016 says
smoking weed isnt a gift,its basicly something that can kill you.stop smoking!
mudphud8 says
holy shit, according to this I’m depressed. I’ve been feeling it recently, but honestly I just push through it and be alone. I do this because I don’t want my parents or friends to find out that I’m having trouble with my life. I don’t want to burden them, so I’ll fix and get through this myself. But yea, this vid made me feel more proactive about dealing w/my depression. Tomorrow I’m writing a plan out to conquer this.
x3r9g6 says
I have all those symptoms but i blame it on 2 things:
1. I used drugs in highschool and it’s hard to feel that same euphoria when you’re clean.
2. Adults have so many responsibilities……life isn’t supposed to be this stressful.
sh2000ca says
man your talking about my life x3r9g6, you and me should get together, because i did the same crap too!!!!!!!! and now no euphoria, plus all the responsibility of adult life
sh2000ca says
are you fucking the dr. who by the way isnt a real doctor, and doesnt even have a phd, cuz of that gay ass ninja tatoo!
psychologist my ass.. wheres your creditnitals asshole
x3r9g6 says
i know, man……but I found a solution:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
I’ve been playing that all week and i feel fuckin great!
13oogie says
haha, i have the same problems, i tried playing some games but it just wont help.
x3r9g6 says
i think adrenaline is a good replacement……get an adrenaline rush and you’ll feel way better for the next couple days or so.
jimmaayyyyy says
MegaPMetal says
doctor my ass
TheArt0fReaz0n says
So much negativity in the comments. I guess it’s true: “No good deed goes unpunished.” I’m really not concerned enough to check weather Adam is a real doctor or not. The main thing here is that you’re trying to good things. I think having guest speakers is something you should do more often, and yes, broaden the topic range to important life issues beyond dating. Just don’t go inviting some quack like, ooooh, Kent Hovind, LOL!!!
hardcoremetroid158 says
Well basically I’ve 1, had a very decreased apetite especially for a teenager
2, all the games and activities I usually do have lost appeal, and finally I have been having what kindod is described as chest pains/ heartburn
Idk what to do
i need you to destroy the internet for ever it needs to go its wasting life im serious
bomerman104 says
i feel very depressed almost 24/7 but there is nothing that i hate more than having to talk about w\my self and why i am feeling down
KauniRaine says
Does anyone ever get times where there’s loads of stuff to keep you entertained but you lack enthusiasm to actually do anything? I’ve been like this for a few weeks now and it’s really starting to bug me. =(
satbir129 says
I dont have activities i enjoy….o.o…..finding a hobby is so much harder than it sounds
sinichiechizen says
i always feel down because someone is always greater than me.. and the people around me says she is greater and they dont even think that they could hurt me when they say that
Sungkawa says
when Ever I’m down I listen to Nike ardilla,
and open a bottle of Black label and smoke a pack of Ji Sam Soe